
Fallout Mod!

Lg Ice Hazel XX

I work at a company full of BB's, iPhones, and Android.. and not much else then those 3.. and only 1 person buys apps on their iPod touch. Everyone with an android hacked it. Most people with an iPhone Jailbroke it cause we have t-mobile extenders in the building. and Everyone with a BB is an APP buying whore.

@farcedude: I wander if A lot of people are unaware of these safety tips.. or they are aware and just don't care.

@origosis: I was rear ended once at a stop light cause this guys brakes failed. He hit me doing 40-50.. he had no front end left.. my Geo Metro was undamaged (Cause a Geo Metro is 90% Bumper on the Rear.)

The Only issue I normaly run into is going from Stick to Auto. I will go to hit the clutch and instead bring the car to a sudden stop... hitting the brakes instead.

@origosis: Hell i have pointed the Negative Camber out to friends and family over the years to see if they noticed the tilt in the wheels. and we all assumed that the wheels must also have a special shape to accommodate proper traction.

I assumed most Mercedes all ready did this. When I am behind a Mercedes, especially an SUV the wheels are obviously /\ I also assumed that in order the the negative camber to work the wheels were already shaped properly....

@Bastille: That's pretty much what it is.. I enjoy the game when I first get it and I will play for hours on end, but after that. When I start a new game I have no real interest beyond the first for turns.

Since I never get beyond making a few troops before I get bored, this might be all I need!

@vote_quimby: I enjoy it to an extent, but they turned into a crud show after the comcast switch, but now they do almost EVERYTHING Rev3 and TWit have been doing for years.

Oh good they mentioned GT5, now I can talk about anything from Racing games to, Extended production cycles to, my feelings on Obama.

@Chris Newby: You know... all of the 3-D movies I have seen have kept the 3-D to cool effects and a greater depth to the lighting... Nothing flashy.

@Veloc: He he that's kinda how I viewed him in the games anyways... Either way I never found any of the movies Good... Just Cool. Rewatch 2-3 times a year cool, but not good.

So Many factors to consider.. Maybe it would be fair to compare SC2 1st day sales to WC2 or WC3 sales. OR mark WoW sales as an exception and compare SC2 to anything BUT WoW.

I think it's ok to assume someone is being lazy instead of assuming someone needs to do what they are doing.

ooh I want that and the Rat!

@Molla: I think you mentioned the only 2 shortcuts I actually do Use. Mini Map and CTRL-1 thru 0.