
Thank you to all free key give away people.. who give away free keys... errr.

Righteous! Righteous!

Well at least with the looser pants Cosplayers will look cooler!

Oh the pic on the site is a snippet from the real chart... I was looking at the chart and was like.. "ok"

Lower CPU Frequency

@kozjegyzo: Who wants to steal from a Linux user. That OS is free. They must not have a lot of money.. Now Windows users pay $200-$700 for the OS, now that's the kind of person I want to steal from.

I was trying to figure how best to word a pun.. but I could not figure it out.. so heres the punch line:

There are 3 kinds of Drivers near where I work... Crazy, Stupid, and Suicidal.

I am debating taking a day off to watch the keynotes.

@ryan09266: I bought 3 CDs in my entire life before napster.. after napster I owned 30 CD's over the course of 2 years.. once napster was shut down i stopped buying CD's until i discoverd torrents.. Then I was up and buying again not just CD's, but also itunes and amazon music.

@violininggoat: Oh I apologize I was not making a comment about the pricing..

@RT100: Oh Yes Target wins hands down once you include those things.

It's tough to compare it to the iPhone... setting opinion and facts about the specific devices... look at the market like this:

@origosis: Ori, that was like 80% irrelevant.

Let's say your a thief. And you want to pick locks to get into houses. you find out

@BoscoH: Very true... I Want the latest and greatest, but my frugal scrooge mentality won't allow it.

@Lupison: Nah. I assume most of us know what he meant.

@BoscoH: well so will the Evo, Droid, and Nexus in that case, but I see what your getting at.. we will probably have better androids phones by then, but still the same iPhone... BUT for most of us it wouldn't matter... cause were stuck with it for probably a year.