
Ipod touch 4 + MiFi = Sprint, verizon, etc..

I love these pics. Cause in 15-20 years when our crap $20 prepaid phones only come with 32GB and 2/3's is the OS we are going to look back on this and laugh... just like we look back on 637kb.

@ClaudioIphigenia: I assumed that was going to be a natural rate of progression.. eventually having a Pokemon/Tomogachi heavy sonic game.

@Lee: Yes. 10 fails now.. I just grind for 2 hours then try him again.. and again.. over and over.

and I swore this was going to be a lawsuit about the gameplay... Still stuck on that damned mid-game Boss.

Team Fortress 2

@romevi: Thank You. I would like to credit my Wife.

I could carer less about the subtitle. I never even knew it had a subtitle until 3 years later when I got the PC version.

@TheHeartless: Yeah from what I heard it was a really nice place to work, people stayed there for years. Just the way the job was, affected them in odd ways.

I talked to a guy who worked at the digital factory when they made CPU's; He said almost everyone was a little crazy. They sit in those bunny suits, enclosed in their own little world for hours a day. the work was much, much, much, nicer then it is at foxconn and even those people started to act odd.

This is what happens when you combine MIT biologists, WoW, and a lot of Rock Star.

You got Neo in my Deus Ex.

I mixed some texas pete with some mustard based hot sauce last night on my rice and beans... WOW!!! my lips, my tongue, my throat.... soo much awesome pain.

grabbed my Virtual Boy on Clearance at Walmart for $35 with 3 games included.

Steve Perry is one of 2 authors that got me truly interested/addicted to Books for years.
