
Those two are always amazing telling a story. I could honestly do without the girls in the match, but seeing Cena and Miz fight is always a-okay with me.

Anyone else assuming that the intergender match has been a months long set up to have Cena propose to Nikki in the ring? After Natalya has used Cena not marrying Nikki so freaking much as an insult, I'm half-assed resigned to the idea.

I'm all for Owens getting the title back. Just trying to figure out how a title match by two part-timers, one so old he almost strokes out after 2 minutes in the ring, makes sense for Wrestlemania. There almost has to be a third person included for that to make any bit of sense.

Sounds about right for Raw.

What are the chances everything else sucked on purpose in order to make Roman look good.

I'm putting my money on Balor coming back before Wrestlemania and it being a fatal three-way for the belt. Let's Balor look strong as crap beating two monster and get the belt back to a full-timer. Then let Balor and KO start a feud for the belt.

(George Glass softly wipes the tear away.)

I've liked that show pretty well up until last night. That whole wine bra thing was a gross mess on way too many levels.

E&C have been treading water for a while now (they've gotten so stale), but the thing that really turned me off of them was that mess they set up with Lana. Just an awful mess.

He was fabulous in The Girl Next Door, which did not prepare me for him to be Seth Bullock.

Yeah! Gross! How can we even mention that completely natural thing that half the population does? Fuckin' nerds.

This is literally the best interaction I've seen on the internet in ages. Kudos to you both for going the extra mile to explain and be understanding.

I'm still having trouble with the Seth Rollins "babyface run" including him threatening Stephanie's kids.

I was good until they showed it dripping off the vanity onto Olyphant's shoulder. Had to turn away from that.

The problem for me is not that who she is dating got brought up, but how she responded to it. Who cares if she's sleeping with Ambrose? She's a grown ass woman who can sleep with whomever she wants and shouldn't be shamed for having a sex life.

Oh, don't get me wrong, I don't think anyone should be expected to hate someone based on something they said years ago, no matter what community they belong to. There are other wrestlers (old and newer) who I can sort of separate their entertainment value from their personality — and everyone should decide at what

I love how the ref continues to sell his injury through the whole proposal.

I also wish they'd give the women a little more heat in dealing with the refs. It takes 12 security guys to come out and hold two male wrestlers apart, but it only takes 1 ref just standing there to keep one of the female wrestlers back?

Yep, Gallagher is the retro gentleman that the Vaudevillains hoped to be. He's amazingly charismatic and so much more skillful in the ring.

I have to say that I genuinely still hate AJ based on his original homophobic BS. I acknowledge his amazing skill in the ring, but I just hate his stupid hillbilly face.