
She almost didn't. She seemed to get stuck on it a couple of times getting up. I really thought she was going to face plant.

So agree. He should have been let go long ago, but the fact is, he really sold that match.

That is literally the quote of the day. That's exactly what Jinder is.

Seriously, not one mention of the tag team match, that had the crowd on their feet chanting for a mop and "Let's go Grandma?"

I think the point is that the English people would cheer an English wrestler winning in a mostly American talent pool. Just as most Americans would do if an all English wrestling company came to any city in the US sporting one spectacular American wrestler.

Exactly! I couldn't help but wish that they had just let the Hardyz set the whole thing up. They are the kings of creating an out of the ring, fun spot.

Zayne is half Syrian, but I guess "passing" has saved him in WWE. They are not very subtle with their racism.

No, his booking devalued the US title. Instead of having him actually fight, he was, even back then, being put up against comparatively huge wrestlers and getting the snot knocked out of him. He's never been given a singles story line that wasn't "bullied little guy."

I find the juxtaposition of Alexa beating Nia and Kalisto being dragged around by Braun interesting. I'm starting to think that the WWE just really hates Kalisto. I can barely remember a time when they had him in a fight where he didn't just get demolished by someone much larger than him.

I was not sure that Charlotte would make it back up after that face plant outside the ring. That was awful. I actually like Nia, but that was a serious botch that really could have hurt someone.

Ummmm, Pourquoi?

It was a "Mankind" t-shirt. Mick Foley thanked them on Twitter for making him a part of the show.

If any of it were in the least witty, wry, or smart, that might be the case. Most of it just seems mean and pandering to right-wing evangelicals. Given Tim Allen's politics, that seems pretty likely.

Because All in the Family happened just a handful of years after school segregation ended? Because we should be beyond such stupid jokes at minorities expenses? Because he's making a living off the backs of the people he's politically trying to keep down?

I would weep if the Young Bucks went to WWE. They would surely ruin them.

Now THAT would be an awesome Wrestlemania moment!

Brick should be institutionalized? For what? A few quirks and a verbal tic? Wow.

RIGHT?!? Why are his clothes so damn big??

The chant was completely edited out when they put the clip up online.

I read your last statement and literally spit chili mac on my computer screen. Thanks for that.