
After Xavier talked about his grandma and they showed the prepping backstage for victory, I was convinced that New Day was going to lose.

Miz just gets better on the mic every day. His ability to get the crowd to do exactly what he wants (whether it's chant or boo) is amazing.

I love watching him wrestle, but every time he hits the screen, I think he's a new Vaudvillain.

I'd say that the Miz putting people over is actually a very Miz thing to do. Pay attention when he's on the mic doing commentary with the announcers, and you'll see even as he insults people, he compliments their abilities. It's something I've taken note of many times in the past. Even working as a heel, he still…

Yes, he would have joined in a "fray," but I don't believe he would have joined in a 4 or 5 person beatdown against one competitor. If he did, I'd be saying the same thing. Out of character.

But they should only hurt one on one!

Because she's a hugger. It's not that she participated in the brand warfare, it's the fact that she participated in a group beating of a single compeitor. Very un-Bayley like.

It might be a commitment to brand allegiance, but they are definitely not consistent with her storyline. Bayley isn't like just any other face. This is a wrestler that kids just worship. I know there must have been kids really upset with seeing her act so out of character.

Could not deal with Bayley being involved in a group beat-up of Nikki Bella. So out of character it was distracting from the show. They could have at least have her hesitate before joining in the fray.

Ewww. I bet they do.

Mick Foley facebooked an anti-Trump post last night (basically comparing him to Hitler). Either Vince didn't shut everybody up, or Foley just doesn't give a crap.

Dude, have you seen that woman fight? Everyone should be afraid of Lucy Lawless.

Last Man Standing is such a shit show of homophobia, misogyny and xenaphobia that I have totally lost my taste for anything Tim Allen (I just try to ignore that he's the voice of Buzz Lightyear…).

I appreciate that they actually cast a kid with cerebral palsy in the role instead of a kid just "playing" disabled.

She's just so darn young, too. Every time I see her, I want to take her home and bake her cookies.

Considering his last show was cancelled because of his awfulness, including telling one person "grab a razor blade and draw a bath. I doubt anyone will miss you," I could have done without this interview.

Even as a heel, she's awesome.

This happened to the Undertaker years ago. He needed time off for a back injury in '93, so he wrestled in the Royal Rumble, got sealed in a coffin, and took time off to heal.

I get that. I just think it's a stupid gimmick that isn't doing anything to help promote quality women's wrestling. The gimmick is stupid, old, reductive and not worthy of a "new era" of WWE.

There have been plenty of male wrestlers under contract that just basically got no screen time until they were released. Why build her up and give her so much air time if it's just a waiting game to get rid of her?