
I agree that she's utterly fucking useless and needs to be off the show. And I can appreciate your point of the hint of self-awareness and they try to ride out her contract.

I'd rather have a wrestler be a villain for being a vicious, conniving competitor than a bimbo. Charlotte is known for being a big cheater who can't win on her own. At least that is a storyline that crosses over to the men as well. Even their "sexy" male wrestlers (like Tyler Breeze) are decent wrestlers.

I'm not down on strippers. I'm sure some are incredible athletes. That doesn't make them good wrestlers, nor does it make me want to watch them on WWE. I'm tuning in to see two wrestlers give a good show. Not a girl burst out of her top.

I'm not opposed to female (or male) athletes doing bikini shoots. If they choose to do them, great.

Of course not. But "hey we almost got to see her boobs" is not worthy of a Women's Division gimmick. It's stupid, reductionary, and shouldn't have a place in the New Era that's touting taking women wrestlers seriously.

She is. And that's a stupid gimmick. How about the women be treated like talented athletes instead of bimbos?

I get that the writers are trying to work us into hating Eva Marie (it's working), but I really wish they could have come up with something more original than "the hot girl's top came untied."


I really thought that the fort still being there was quite touching, especially with the light still on, as if waiting for her. It's like a shrine to her memory.

She did. I wasn't sure she'd be able to finish the bit. You can't take away how committed she is to the industry.

I was surprised at how much his sad face affected me. I don't like Flair all that much, but seeing someone who could be your grandpa crying hits my feels.

I totally just blew coffee out my nose at that one. Thanks a lot.

I totally didn't see that implication at all. I really just don't see her cheating on Andy at this point.

I honestly thought that when Alicia went back into the condemned part of the law office, it was going to collapse and kill her.

I loved that this episode made Howard and Bernadette almost likeable together. There was a sweet back-and-forth that happens between loving couples that they don't usually allow them.

*Waves to Barry*

I watch this show because it comes on after The Middle and my spouse really seems to enjoy it, but I haven't really been a real fan. I have to admit, I enjoyed this episode more than I expected to. It really hit the "girls from the 80's LOVE Dirty Dancing" thing in just the right way. Even Barry's "angry dance"

The actual definition of a "folktale" is a false story based on superstition.

Because the reality is, the baby was not stolen by witches and the boy was not bewitched — that's just the family's imaginings of what happened.

I recently rewatched the episode where Stuart and Penny go out on a date, and I am kind of shocked at how much they have devolved his character. Stuart used to be a poor comic book store owner, but he was also a fairly talented artist that traded a portrait of Penny for a phone number and had no problems taking a