
I don't think Kenny was actually living with the Heck's when the pictures returned, he just added them to the cloud, so they'd never have to worry about them getting lost again.

Being from Texas originally, I've never heard an Okie call it anything other than a "coke."

True enough. Would have been funny if the reviewer had put it that way. Just seems like a mistake the way it was posted. No big either way, though.

Just a stickler note on the review: Sue was stealing butter for the potatoes she brought home from Spudzie's, not for their from-home popcorn.

Sorry. Allegedly worst handjob ever.

Or, he wasn't really going to shoot, but stabbing him caused him to pull the trigger, shooting Koral's eye out.

It takes almost a thousand pounds of wood to burn one body to ash. The fire on the show would never burn hot enough or long enough to have burned them all to ash. They would have been crispy critters, but no where near ash.

Tyrese could have done it.

Michonne stabbed the bad kid, causing him to shoot Koral in the eye.

Worst handjob ever.

Read the Mountain Man zombie series. You get zombie day care there. And it's pretty fucking horrifying.