
Melodrama as an extreme sport... huh.... who knew...

Regarding the conversation on what to call American Indians...

Aussies aren’t offended, because they haven’t been trained to look for opportunities to become offended... yet.

Ummmm... isn’t that almost a textbook definition of “urban”? Rephrasing what you wrote... Almost all of the population lives in a small area.

Apparently it’s still a thing in (at least) southern Florida. My wife and I went to Key West last year, and we saw a PSA on TV encouraging people to stop saying “that’s so gay”. I had no idea anyone still did that, but apparently it’s a problem there still.

Wait... it was a mystery at some point?

Stahma Tarr.... that’s what I thought when I saw it. Looks just like her.

Yera big fukeraintcha?!