/r/The_Donald isn’t the normal AMA Subreddit, It’s a subreddit where users get banned for mention any other candidate in a factual manner or ask any question that isn’t “How Dreamy is Donald Trump”. I’m pretty sure over 80% of Reddit blocks /r/The_Donald from there /r/All feed. So please don’t don’t lump us all in…
It’s like our allies who have been getting aid and weapons from us for 20 odd years, are getting aid and weapons for us. CRAZY, right?
I really tried to come up with something snarky about this, but it turns out that the only thing that I am getting out of it is just an immense sadness for the people who did this. Like, they are giving fake money to a fake billionaire whose grift has accidentally gone too far.
Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat make me miss Myspace
Me too.
Yup. I remember being 13 when MySpace became a thing and looking back, it was so weird. Before MySpace, the only way you could judge and be judged was in real life... Then suddenly this thing came along and everyone got obsessed with dressing up and taking selfies and adding as many friends as you could, then this…
I’m obsessed with make up videos. I’m convinced if anyone does it and sweats, breathes, smiles or otherwise move their face, or go outside, those contours will fall off in chucks.
This is our life now. A million celebrities absolutely no one has heard of, getting sponsorships and making bank and being famous but only to to a subset of people on the internet. I’m very scared.
I am so glad that when I was 14 we were still on Internet 1.0
Yeah, there is a very generous definition of beauty blogger being applied here.
I would feel bad if something bad was going on with this girl but like, I am so so wary of viral stuff like this as just a marketing ploy
How can you be a beauty blogger when your repertoire consists solely of silver eye shadow and poorly drawn eyeliner?
I am 99% sure that they had to remind Donald he has a second daughter, somewhere around March. They proved it by showing his checks for tuition, then did some intensive flashcard rote to teach him what she looked like (after the first hour, Don stopped asking, “Who is that? Is that my next wife? Needs some work.”)
“He did a wonderful job of staying far, far away. Little did I know that one day there would come a heavy price. I stood, blinking in the hot lights, the teleprompter swimming in my sight. It contained my dad’s name, over and over, the invocation of an evil enchantment. My mouth creaked open. The time had come to…
That is the typical MRA response. The draft. Men are discriminated against because of the draft. So until every woman in every country has to register we need to shut up about the violence we face. Not that any of these men want women in the military, no way in hell. Those lady parts are too weak and emotional for…
It infuriates me how right-wing MRA types try to suddenly pretend they really really care about women and protecting them. After Cologne, so many of the men I know in Europe suddenly cared very deeply about rape and posted endlessly about the incidents of that night and how it demonstrated how Muslim immigrants have…