I applaud your determination to pursue an objective morality even if I disagree that such a thing exists.
I applaud your determination to pursue an objective morality even if I disagree that such a thing exists.
Are you under the impression there is some kind of absolute morality? I'm not sure where you hail from but, in the U.S., eating cats or dogs IS considered morally wrong; it's why we don't eat cats or dogs.
It might not be wrong but, it's emotionally false. For whatever the reasons, the death of a child makes a greater impact than the death of an adult.
If you put yourself in King's literary universe, it's likely the past DOES have some kind of deep, unfathomable sentience; "Time" is probably just the effect of some ancient being somewhere up at the tippy-top of the Dark Tower, or some effect of the Tower itself; as it can be conjectured that the tower itself is…
I don't think the absence of direct evidence invalidates the theory but, more importantly, I don't think it's a matter of belief. 'Dark Matter' is just the least-wrong theory we have that explains all the observational evidence we've collected.
I'm going to assume this is a standard science/religion troll post but, in the off-chance you would like a better explanation of dark matter; io9.com has a nice write-up of the concept:
In a coincidence, I was in a Skype call with a friend in England and I asked her; it could be some regional variation but, she said "No, that's just shitty grammar."
Kind of seems like a massive oversight on the part of Gizmodo but, let assume it was just minor mis-read on the part of the author and drop the proper tag to help them out:
Oh. Well, that changes everything then, doesn't it.
What exactly does this have to do with the article?
This is exactly why these kinds of things don't work. If my 8-year old nephew knows about proxy servers, I don't think something like this is going to be effective. Additionally, how is it going about blocking all porn everywhere? It seems like, outside of some really effective image recognition (who had the…
I just don't think a conservative racist would want to become dependent on foreign money, chemicals, and energy. Also, would they really trust a bunch of foreigners?
And even if they can't make people. the premise is still ludicrous because:
I believe society has agreed that having sex with corpses is OK as long as they're still sentient...and not rotting.
Apparently England conquered France at some point before humanity ran into the Vulcans.
I don't mind Star Trek but, of all things, why remake the original series? The Star Trek universe is massive and all we get is "Kirk" and "Spock" running around doing something similar to what we've seen before. What's the point besides vacuuming up large amounts of cash?
I think a lot of people shy away from the Sudden Vertical Housing Relocations that can occur in working missile silos.
Though I did play Diablo 2 for about 10 years using the same mouse so, it's possible those claims are playing it safe.