
I'm the same way with regards to Facebook; and Google+ for the most part. However, today I tried searching G+, and it was amazing. I mean, I tried it when G+ first launched to try out the "sparks" feature and it was meh. Today, I was thinking, "man, I wish I could find a collection of webcomic artists to connect

That Orwell was such a word nazi.

It's also been a way of calling a person or organization a jerk for a long time now and is generally accepted without issue; which is why publications like Webster's added a second definition for the word.

Chinese isn't necessarily perfect either:

That would explain why they're so eager to get to every germ-ridden planet they can find.

There's some throwaway lines in the TNG technical books (yes, I am that big of a nerd) about the ship cleaning itself, though it never describes how.

Universal Sperm Adapters are probably standard issue for all Federation ships.

I think you meant fine Corellian leather. It's an easy typo to make.

This. Also, they can determine the difference between the constant background bombardment of solar neutrinos and a burst of a specific magnitude at a specific time. Those two (along with a number of other factors) allow them to accurately confirm the source.

True, though humans have partnered up with every other significant species in the quadrant, and Voyager itself had a Human/Klingon and a Cardassian/Kazon baby without any apparent issues.

AFAIK, not all the seeded worlds gave rise to humanoid life, just directed life towards the humanoid form. They bet on the fact that the eventual emergence of an intelligent, bipedal form would allow that species to dominate their planet but, it obviously didn't always work out since they were also collecting DNA

The end of the Tuvix episode made me mad not because they put everything back the way it was but, because it was easily one of the most immoral acts they ever performed in the series. It's really rare to have an episode of trek wrap up with the captain ordering someone's murder. I think it makes it one of the most

There's a difference between crazy and malevolent.

I agree on that vaccines should be voluntary but even that has consequences. Just this week my friend's mother - who has been fighting lung cancer - was given 6 months or less to live, which is terrible by itself but, even worse is that she cares for her oldest daughters 4 children (their mother was declared unfit a

The HPV Vaccine (and vaccines in general) provokes an immune response that allows the body to immediately identify and eliminate the virus. Teaching the immune system to target a specific threat and general immune health are worlds apart in this discussion.

Your post makes you sound a bit dickish, perhaps you meant something like this:

Probably plant life and other more complex organisms would be much different; more vines and grasses I suppose. Smaller things like bacteria don't really care that much about gravity; though I expect flying creatures bigger than a bee probably would be a rare sight.

Nope, it is used for acceleration and, in fact, is used by NASA to accelerate probes to the outer solar system.

Neural Interface.

/all threads.