
Lyme Disease is a bacterial infection which can initially cause a rash and mild flu symptoms followed by general lethargy. If left untreated, the bacteria will eventually migrate to the brain and cause permanent neurological damage; thus leading to chronic Lyme Disease.

Generally true, although most new authors have no control over how their book is marketed. Even though the marketing was obviously financially successful, I expect she gets a bit of hate mail/death threats she would have rather avoided if given the choice.

I bet a frog that size would be easy to care for, just make a home in a mason jar and attract some fruit flies to it.

Not to mention, why would we jump into an interstellar spaceship without a good destination?

It took 26 years after neutrinos were theorized to devise a method to detect them. Wolfgang Pauli had no concept of how to detect the particle he had proposed but, without his theory describing the particle particulars, there would have been no way to devise a method of testing.

Scientists as a group and as individuals say "we don't know" all the time, both publicly and privately; how does this relate to constructing testable theories about the universe?

Someone else snagged the name and is promoting indie games. Also, the tweets are showing up on the ocean marketing website:

From what we know about black holes, I think we can say we do know when such an event will occur, which is never. We could always be wrong, though.

I always felt it wasn't right to get a dog until I had some land; now that I do, it takes so much time to maintain the house/kids/lawn I don't feel like I'd have enough time for a dog. Eh, maybe when the kids go to school.

Hmm, one of my buddies trained with a war dog, the understanding I got from him is that a lot of them tend to find the home life too boring and have a propensity to tear shit up or act out in other ways. Though, his understanding could be limited; he wasn't involved in post-service adoptions or anything. Good luck to

These dogs are actually trained for this sort of thing. With proper training, dogs can learn to enjoy all sorts of insane things. That said, I'm not sure how adapted MWDs are to a home environment; my guess is they're not.

My guess is it would either need to be full of oil or uranium.

Don't forget that you have to speed up and slow down at a rate that wouldn't destroy the vessel.

If you read through the stories, he smacks the crap out of all kinds of people. However, books that indulged in violence weren't really a part of the times when these book were written. The intellectual side gets a lot of exposition but, Holmes knocking some heads gets a sentence or two.

You had a lot to say, most of which I won't comment on; however, I will say that the previous interpretations of Watson as a general bumbler irritated the hell out of me and this is the first film interpretation where I like Watson and consequently, like Holmes better for it.

Brett's interpretation is in many ways spot on but, I can't watch any of the movies because he's stuck with that bumbling interpretation of Watson. It's a damn shame to make the mistake of having Holmes as the sole hero; considering he is generally an ass. In my mind, it only works as a "buddy cop" story; they both

So far, there's no evidence that Verizon uses the software (AFAIK), and T-Mobile is so small, it's not really worth pulling them into a preliminary hearing.

At some point, the list of "biggest idiots in politics" has to have a cut off point; if he's one of them, there are a heck of a lot of people above him.

Probably smile politely and then go get some real work done.

This may be the funniest thing I've read all week and for that, you get a heart.