Captains only.
Captains only.
Are those people with inconstant internet connections also people who would buy Diablo? I live in rural-to-the-power-of-2 Minnesota and I haven't been offline in a significant way for 5 years. Granted, I need the internet to work so, it's a priority for me but, I would expect it is also a priority for the kind of…
I was about to say, is it bad that I've got TNG in the background while I read Goblet of Fire?
I would guess it's personal preference; they are actually quite well written and aside from perhaps too many adverbs and a penchant for a story recap at the beginning of each book are pretty solid, compelling character stories. As far as obsession, my guess is that like any obsession-worthy fiction, HP does a good job…
It's hard to argue with someone who won't even try to read the first book; if you're opposed to even trying, nothing anyone says is going to convince you, despite them being quite well written. It's fine to not like it but, to not even try to read it? That's a shame.
The have a store, apparently; you can buy HP-related things as well as ebooks of the series, which might be a draw for some people.
Wow, my system is far less complex; for instance with family I have a circle called "Family" and one called "Family I Like", which rules out a lot of issues. As far as people with differing opinions, I thought that was the purpose of having conversations? If they're rude about it; I just move them out of the "Like"…
I hadn't seen the Hitwise report, thank for that! Though, the data sample seems pretty small, it looks like they are reporting on approximately 5% of the traffic to G+ which is pretty impressive for data collection but, not necessarily the whole picture.
So either they aren't using G+, or you're not actually friends with them. I've never had the patience to set up the post permissions in Facebook so I tend to post inane things there. With the G+ Circles, I tend to have more conversations with small groups so I can imagine there are people thinking "Man, he never posts…
Why do you have so many people? Also, maybe if you have a lot of people you don't really know, you're not in a circle they regularly post to.
I'm a little confused by what you're looking for; as far as I understand it, G+ works like this:
I didn't have the opportunity to read your entire essay so you may have commented on it again later but, your statement that people have largely stopped using it seems to be without supporting data. Who are these people? Have all people largely stopped using it? I don't understand where that comment comes from.
I wouldn't consider it a blind submission to authority; it appears to be an acceptable social contract wherein the people give up a small amount of civil liberty in exchange for a police force. While I don't personally consider the current status acceptable, I call the social contract acceptable because there isn't a…
Well, I agree with the private property requirement since that sort of thing also applies to stuff like my house.
The argument appears to be that requesting ID can/should be considered a form of detainment;.I'm not sure if that's true or not but, if one defines detainment as "not being able to legally depart" then I could see the argument; If an officer asks for your ID, it doesn't seem likely you could just walk away without…
This is for you:
Would we be just fine in space colonies? The first big concern I can think of is the apparent inability to bring pregnancies to term in zero gravity and microgravity. At the moment it looks like we would either have to develop some kind of artificial gravity, assuming that's possible, or re-engineer ourselves to be…
I agree with you but, I would point out that space technologies take so long to develop because the principal institution on space technology has to agonize over what projects, among hundreds of options, will be funded with their limited budget; being choosy about funding is great but, if you have 10 projects among…
I was able to get from 1-80 in 25 days just using the dungeon finder and grinding mobs (and doing any quests associated with those mobs, within reason)
I would say EVE Online meets a number of those points. Its character customization leaves something to be desired and you have to like flying around in space a lot but otherwise it sems to meet the majority of your criteria.