
Technically, they date back to the Pleistocene (~55mya?), though the primate line is predicted to "begin" in the Cretaceous. Regardless, I agree with your correction.

The moral being that alternate universes always result in an excess of lens flares?

So I suppose it's a matter of having Blizzard clarify their definition of the word 'mod'. It seems odd that they wouldn't enable WoW-style add-ons considering how successful they have been in informing their interface design; it's like free UX research!

It's like the famous Trojan Cicada; when all the Greek soldiers waited until night and then crept out of it's thorax.

Even if they do crack the client, it will be nearly impossible to connect to Battlenet servers and use modded content; they would most likely have to set up private servers and I don't think the auction process will work very well in that instance.

I don't know, I never considered add-ons as mods, since they never actually changed the compiled code of the base game, I always viewed them as plug-ins instead of different game versions.

It's been a while since I've done anything too intensive with computer but, would it be possible to create a virtual server on your computer and trick the game into thinking it's connecting to official servers? It'd be a lot of goddamn work to play a single player game though.

Samuel Jackson is already packing his copies of "20,000 Leagues Under The Sea".

Yeah, all we need is a way to reliably orbit earth, or go to and from the moon; that shouldn't be too difficult, right? We've done it before!

To continue to play devil's advocate; one could also reason that, if future legal systems resemble current legal systems on a basic level, the ramifications would likely be addressed ad nauseum as soon as it became evident that the possibility of reviving long-frozen corpses was on the horizon.

At the moment, citizenship doesn't have an expiration date; people who die and are revived have no legal issues regarding citizenship. However, the red tape that would go into reversing your death would be pretty substantial, possibly insurmountable, depending on the legal system and the length of your "death".

I love my wacom and my sketchbook and really, they're irreplaceable. BUT, I've done nice paint work on the iPad and on the Xoom(I liked the iPad better, sorry Motorola). It's not a complete replacement but, it's very nice for getting the major groundwork of a piece before moving it to the graphics station for

Most of these questions revolve around the existence of your birth country; if it exists, you're pretty good, if it doesn't, you'll have some problems.

Hmm, maybe you didn't read through the article but, they do specifically state multiple times that they are not interested in producing or administrating any login system; they are an advocacy and standards department.

Solution: Sharpshooters stationed on all media helicopters. Although, it may make high-speed chases much less exciting. Hmm.

best. image. ever.

In the 24th century, he just has a European accent.


Now I want George Takei to give him a voice-over: "Oh Myyyyyyy!"

The only time I've personally run into that problem is with Hulu/Netflix, which appears to be a hardware issue. Otherwise I can't speak to the severity of fragmentation as I haven't experienced it myself or with friends/family.