
I just see him saying "Bitch, please." in that photo.

Firstly, I agree that Apple is still perfectly capable of innovation, and is often successful with their innovations.

Also, what is there of Google's to steal? Nearly all of their services are free anyway. (well, free from a consumer point-of-view.)

You mean Shatner-bot; I think the answer becomes evident.

Just Google it.

Maybe we're in agreement then and I'm just too thick to get it.

I'm not entirely sure I understand your argument; are you saying Rowling did not create a world millions of people want to live in? Given the following of the books, I think the the article's original statement is more likely to be true.

I guess I get notified that someone replied to my comment when anyone replies to any comment in the thread; How irritating.

IE only 'sux' because it makes building websites require a lot more work. I don't want to imagine the number of hours I've spent writing code specifically for each version of IE. It's just plain inefficient.

I'm not clear on the point you're making; are you saying common misspellings influence grammar? Or are you saying that Facebook constitutes common usage? Or are you just bored and trying to end the discussion?

oh snap, I'm old!

Personally, I'd like to hear the tales of Ronnie the Bear, aka Ron Weasel. It sounds like his life is a lot more exciting than The HP.

This is going to devolve into an argument about the influence of common usage on the rules of grammar. Sufficed to say that the singular they is commonly used, commonly interpreted correctly, and is logically valid. Given that English has no other acceptable gender-neutral pronoun, it is the only reasonable choice.

That may be the saddest thing I've ever read.

The use of a singular they has been grammatically correct for quite some time.

I think the link alone would have been more than sufficient.

Time Travelers.

Exactly; what good is some obscure word if they keep opening up triple-word scores for me?

We have a set of huge windows (maybe 20' tall?) and we've had a lot of luck with these:

I don't understand, how can people cheat?