
Your argument is a little flawed;

I think that was an alternate reality episode, because IIRC, one of them was a serious bastard.

even more fundamental than changes to the 'timeline' would be the duplication of matter. I mean, the atoms that make up a time traveler already exist in the past; does the universe suddenly contain more mass once time travel has occurred? At the very least, it seems like time travel would violate a fundamental law of

Ha! You mean all those dire warnings about the end of the world are just popping up somewhere over the Atlantic? Or perhaps only the antarctic penguins know the truth of the coming apocalypse.

I'm good either way. If we don't find it, then we get some new and interesting science going on. If we do find it, it means our ability to extrapolate the more exotic features of the universe is pretty solid; which means we get to probe even deeper into the structure of the universe.

Though if an object did travel into the past in your scenario, what happens to the atoms that exist in the past that will make up the time-traveling entity of the future? Is time travel also a form of matter duplication or do those past atoms rearrange themselves as the time traveler?

Technically, they had a some ability to guide the pod but, since that failed all the time, the pod just popped into existence a close to the location it was when it left the timeline, which I guess would generally be in space(Though really, wouldn't it be much further out than the upper atmosphere?).

I would have invested in an iPad after the death of the Courier except there is no pressure-sensitive pen input. I have sketchbook pro on my Droid but, the simulated pressure sensitivity isn't the same; it's good for quick sketches though.

We can(preserve), dry, freeze and cure what we get from the garden each year. Properly canned fruit and veg can keep for years, dehydrated even more so. If you want to rely on a freezer, make sure you have a backup power supply to keep emergency systems like that running. Either way, everything is organic, lasts all

As someone who enjoys monogamy, I refute your argument.

I also found Mike Birbiglia's story about sleepwalking to be insultingly liberal.

The government does regulate the disposal of human remains. You cannot bury a body by yourself; you must have it prepared by a licensed professional. For the most part, you cannot bury a body (embalmed or not) on private property, even if it is your own.

The article is correct. In a vacuum, water boils at 0 degrees Celsius. The water in the remains would sublimate out of the powder as it began to warm up, relatively speaking.

From the images, this looks like Magic + Settlers of Catan.

The Trade-in program for MTGO is pretty arcane; You exchange cards by expansion, and you must have the entire expansion in your online collection, no 1-for-1. Additionally, You can only exchange for a certain period of time (though that period is long), and it only applied to regular expansions; any online expansions

It must be regional, here in the upper-midwest, if one were to refer to natural gas, they would be talking about the stuff that comes into one's house via pipeline, not methane in general.

Ahh, yes. I should say that, in the US at least, when referring to natural gas, as in "My home is heated by natural gas" that would be referring to fossil-fuel derived natural gas since there are no large-scale biogas utilities in operation. Which is why when it is referred in the article, it seems perfectly clear

I feel like the human race got shafted by not being able to see into the UV spectrum.

Maybe it's US-centric but, natural gas often refers to methane derived from fossil fuel sources, which is not a renewable process; Renewable natural gas is usually called biogas. Do you interpret it differently?

Every time I see a post about tablets and art, I have to make sure pressure sensitivity is mentioned. Thanks!