
IF you had the memory to do all that fact-checking, you should have at least remembered to add the #corrections tag.

Chum-based targeting markers.

I think the new ad placements are fantastic.

Oh, also the article says they're going to hire an illustrator to make new illustrations for Robot Jim

I assume they'll also go through and make the story work in context with Jim's new incarnation. (Though if that's not the case, then I just finished their book a few minutes ago.)

I was with you up until the last line, since this article and project it links to are using satire to underline the absurdity of NewSouth Books’ attempt at revisionist history.

Prints aren't necessary for diagnosis. When my wife was pregnant, we had ultrasounds twice a week. The only time they printed pictures was for our benefit; they never kept any of them.

Isn't point b true in all instances?

I don't think this is intended to replace ultrasound specialists or specialized equipment. One would assume the images will still be sent to a specialist for further analysis, just like any other ultrasound. However, having an immediate, non-invasive internal diagnostic tool seems like it would only increase the

No the won't what? Doctors won't give ultrasounds with smartphones? The won't be more affordable? The FDA won't regulate medical smartphone software? Be specific! I thought they gave out stars for a reason.

Ultrasound is non-invasive. Only the tip of the wand needs a shield, the bacterial state of the cell phone is unimportant. At the very least, it can't be any worse than the keyboard, buttons, and track mouse on current ultrasound machines.

I would pay a disgusting amount of money for a Cintiq Tablet.


But the universe is still expanding, right? The density of matter in the universe is becoming smaller over large timescales. Is this just a case of different infinities; is the infinity of space greater than the infinity of matter?

Out of curiosity, even if there is an infinite amount of universe, isn't there still technically a finite amount of matter? Infinite space does not mean infinite atoms, correct?

@johnnyabnormal: That's what happens when you don't get your daily dose of LOLcats.

@Dinosaurs and Nachos, girlfriend!: My apologies regarding the abortion law in Nepal, it seems my information in that regard was quite outdated. Though their laws regarding attempted suicide are still quite onerous.

@e-atoms: Reductive arguments rarely contribute to a discussion. These policies are a form of risk management, practiced by everything everywhere since the beginning of life; not risk elimination, risk management.

@Dinosaurs and Nachos, girlfriend!: In a world of perfect ideals, that is completely true but, In most cases, our rights our restrained or curtailed by the rights of others or the reality of existence. I understand your point but, everyone's rights are at the very least constrained by reality; a pregnant woman could

@e-atoms: As a someone who enjoys living, if my survival depended on a pregnant woman traveling for miles through an arctic storm or even running through snow and over ice to obtain necessary supplies, I think my chances of survival and consequently the survival of my pregnant team member would be pretty low; low