
@JeremytheIndian: if you want him to add the word "else" after "anything", just say so and add the corrections tag.

@Goopplesoft - Reliant Robin of whitenoise: Though there is a huge difference between using photosynthesis and arsenic to assist in making ATP and using arsenic instead of phosphorus to create a new energy delivery vehicle. The first still requires phosphorus to live, the second doesn't.

@Curves: "Amaze your friends! Poison your family!"

@Arken: I don't think there's much doubt that it evolved to use arsenic in place of phosphorus but, the real question to answer is whether or not that step is necessary for arsenic-based life or if it is just an anomaly stemming from our planet's unique chemical composition.

@Arken: I'm now interested in reading a Captain Pedantic comic book.

@aak7268: The people who have pee-sicles stuck in their urethra, I assume.

Obligatory at this point:

@Sarcasmancer: I'm guessing it will be a "we saw chemicals that could potentially indicate the presence of the possibility of bacterial life" sort of thing.

@Gothamite88: Seriously. James Spader can eat it.

@Rufus Honker IV: My assumption is a combination of density and low reactivity.

@MySandwich: I think it comes down to the perception of Hobbits as secluded countryfolk who have lived for centuries in an environment akin to the English countryside and have been cut off from almost all contact with the outside world. The chances of any such society, fictional or otherwise, of having color diversity

@Shiverr!: Population control would definitely be an issue but, our inability to feed Earth's population is more of a matter of logistics than anything else. We grow more than enough food to feed everyone but, we're terrible and spreading it around.

@CaptainJack: Also, 3D gives me terrible headaches.

@stupidity.tries: Truthfully, you'll sleep differently after you have a kid, especially in those first few months. My wife sure did.

@stellalukin: I used to work for a school district, and I still remember a young man who taught 2nd grade being falsely accused by one of his students (it turned out her father was the actual abuser); he never recovered. Even though he was quickly cleared, most parents still assumed he was guilty. A year later, at

@FelineFraulein: I think that the paranoia is understandable. There are a lot of schools where a man teaching young kids will be suspect from the start. Just being accused can erode trust and be a painful experience for a long time. I've only seen it happen once in my school district, and the teacher, though innocent,

@sacredprofanity: All that said, because of the scarcity of male teachers in the preschool field, it's likely he does get paid more. I know that, at least in my area (US midwest), Male teachers in the K-5 grades are highly sought after, and are often given higher starting salaries. For reasons beyond my comprehension,

@JesusDeSaad: Your ability to detect humor appears to be deficient; you might want to see your doctor, as this can be a sign of extreme seriousness. Left untreated, it may lead to you become a complete bore.