@DasStan: Which, coincidentally, also tastes like Kobe beef.
@DasStan: Which, coincidentally, also tastes like Kobe beef.
@Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer: You say that now but, in two years, scientists will realize this vicious rodent has a gland that produces a natural cure for all cancer, or maybe it just turns out to taste like Kobe beef, or both! Cancer-curing beef, where's your cynicism now!?
@xdeathknightx: That plan always ends with large apes freezing to death in the winter.
@Tycho Vhargon loves Carl Sagan: Awesome job! Here I thought it was using 3 CCDs to capture each color range. Interesting!
@jackdavinci: We'd actually probably do nearly the same thing if we launched a probe today. Having one CCD for each color range, each CCD built to receive to a specific color range rather than a filter, is going to give more accurate pictures than the single CCD you find in most cameras. In fact, a few high-end…
@Jeriba: Buildings are people too, dammit.
@Gameslaya: I'm pretty sure it's a literal cat-tail.
@moonshadowkati: I think WebP is meant to go along with WebM as Google's way of saying "This is for the web and is a movie/picture."
@Captain_Tripps: Exactly.
@PhilMetalJacket: My guess is it's all about the math. There's no guarantee this place is habitable either but, it lies in the right space, which just also happens to be the distance from a red dwarf star that indicates it would be tidally locked.
@hercules_100_98: I would expect life would be a bit, um, flatter, over there.
@universalcode: How do you feel about alien-based administrations? I hear most of them are pretty liberal.
@mutercim: I see the point you're making but, regardless of comment, the situation is laughable. It would be a ridiculous display of military power whether "The West" commented on it or not.
@RuBBa_cHiKiN: North Gizmodo is Best Gizmodo: The Schrodinger cat-bomb is the cruelest and most unreliable weapon of mass destruction in existence.
@corpore-metal: Still can't wrap my head around the concept of testing for unknown dimensions. It feels like a causality dilemma in my head. I don't know enough about the proposed effects of various multiple dimensions on our perceptible universe. I mean, even if you can prove those effects are happening, how do you…
@corpore-metal: I can't conceive of extra dimensions so, I'm really interested in how one would go about creating an experiment for detecting them. Maybe something LHC-eqsue? Regardless, I doubt any experiment created would be simple.