
@Reicheru: Hey everyone, I just need one more person to finish my Soylent Green! Help!

@TendoMentis: I'd say go for it, and if you're really worried about it, change it up with some cranberry juice or something every once in a while.

@awuwish: I applaud your embrace of gadgets

@TendoMentis: Not to jump on you about it but, firstly, your gut and kidneys aren't directly connected to each other in a way that allows the passage of particles, however fine. The real reason tea was hypothesized to contribute to kidney stone formation was it's high amount of the molecule oxalic acid.

@hdgotham (Hannah Wilson): Considering it's still a children's book, I'm guessing the more depraved aspects of humanity aren't explored for a reason. Still, is killing someone in cold blood purely for personal gain not high up on the evil list in your mind?

@hdgotham (Hannah Wilson): It's the same story 6 times over; Voldemort fails from his own hubris, Harry wins because he's got friends, a ridiculous amount of luck, and balls that clang.

@LaziestManOnMars: I've waited my entire life for someone else to reference Top Secret!

@SEDAGIVE?!: I do believe there is a way to hack any stove to unlock during the cleaning cycle, giving you a 1000 degree F cooking space.

@Agent355: I wouldn't say over, what with cocaine and heroin and such, though the expense would be greatly reduced.

@corpore-metal: I'm am now imagining a scientifically-rigorous rat-tickling experiment. It's either hilarious or deeply disturbing.

@barrywoods: I think, considering other rulings in British law, we can assume that to read "the traditional hand-made process, and by traditional, we mean the Proper English hand-made process, not some foreign sword-making witchcraft" or something to that effect.

@mullingitover: That's actually a really good idea. It's not like a camera that records 24hrs of video would be expensive by law enforcement equipment standards.

@Patrick Sanford: Swords themselves aren't illegal, though carrying them in public is illegal. It is illegal to import/sell/exchange/etc a wide variety of sword types, most notably samurai and other curved swords. However, the law explicitly excepts swords created by a "traditional hand-made process", which I believe

@pangapanga: It is sort of humbling that an insect excretion puts all of our chemical and biochemical progress to shame.

@ZenInsight: That's for the currently-available 10" model

@RainyDayInterns: I have a kindle, and this and e-ink based electronic paper aren't worth comparing. Electronic paper tech would have to make some serious leaps to overtake this screen.