

She stole that look from Kat Bjelland.

You’re such a bad parent who didn’t raise your kids right from the get-go. Just kidding. Sort of.

I’m a neat freak and reading about your “piles” almost gave me a heart attack.

The NerdBro demographic perhaps?

they’ve also referred to it as “Written by Bill Prady.”

As far as lawsuits go, this one seems pretty legitimate. I’d be pretty upset if my mother’s work was stolen without acknowledgement, especially after her death.

what ever is on clearance in TJMaxx.

Just a realist. Suckers often confuse the two. The likelyhood that she went through all of those things with total ease and barely missing a beat is just totally unrealistic. This would make her superhuman, which ironically, is part of her entire brand.

So you actually believe her body has perfectly handled three pregnancies, a double mastectomy, a hysterectomy AND menopause? These claims sound true to you? Wow.

Jesus Christ! Even Angelina’s menopause has to be amazing.

No, it isn’t. If I’d blown a rape whistle when I’d been attacked, the guy likely would’ve tried to shove it down my throat, and nobody would’ve come anyway. I know because I screamed my head off and nobody came out to help. A message to the cops and/or friends, with location, would likely get attention, though.

The device is just to prevent rape. And I assume it can be used whether it's a stranger or someone you know. Especially since it's silent. Although the bigger issue is whether someone will be around you help you immediately.

I actually got them from my mom, who got them from a woman at work selling with a company called Damsels in Defense. I don’t know if you can buy directly from the website or not, but you can check out their website.

I carry pepper spray that has ink in it that is visible under a UV light for up to 72 hours, even if the person tries to wash the shit off. I also carry this tool that can easily shatter a femur or take out an eye with enough pressure. I haven’t had to use them and hopefully never will, but it’s nice to have a little

Greatest and most depressing stocking stuffer.

That makes sense and their method acting worked well. I was miserable watching Crash.


That’s fair, but if we’re going to do this thing based solely on “out-there-ness” Kooan would have been the king of Project Runway.

From sci-fi references to artistic nods, the Mass Effect series has numerous connections to the real world—this video, narrated by none other than Commander Shepard (or Mark Meer if you will) himself, looks at some of them.