I'll be at the Dancing Pony, having a pint.
I'll be at the Dancing Pony, having a pint.
You know, I have to agree. I just went through my Godzilla DVD collection and that THING is not part of it.
Yes! I'm down with this one!
I couldn't even make it all the way through.. where's my spork? I need to stab Lucas with it repeatedly.
I miss this Psylocke so much.
YAY! I am so happy they're picking up one of his series to make into a movie (or movies!)... A great guy, so friendly. Made sure my sister and I found good seats for his talk and signing.
Tad is a great writer, and human being. I don't know if this helps, but I became a fan with his 'Tailchaser's Song' and Green Angel Tower series.. but I read William Gibson as well.
Boy, then you're not looking around you much at all. There's a ton of women who read comics, follow them and know the difference between the shoddy Kitty Pryde replacement, Jubilee and Mystique.
As a female gamer that's been RPing and playing video games for over three decades, I would be inclined to play more video games if the armor is more realistic and not just variations on Red Sonja's metal bikini.
My mom and I had a big discussion about the wells after last week's episode (we own a horse ranch ourselves) and the first thing she said was ' Well, there goes any wells below that one. Better pick one higher up.' ...
Note to self: Stop making own costumes, buy hooker boots/shoes and dress as a dead hooker next year. .
When you're living with a mental illness and not everything works like it should, you go through a cocktail of anti-depressants and other medications in order to find the right combo. It takes a couple of years to discover the right one for certain folk like myself.
@ltwass: My two Siamese routinely throw themselves between me and dogs they don't know (and know), badly abuse them and then proceed to act like nothing happened..
@AngryFork: Exactly. I liked Pi, but the Fountain blew me away. One of a my favorite movies of all time.
Now this is awesome. Have to recover first from all the knitting I've done so far for the holidays!
Helen, you are one of my idols, along with my mother and Dorothy Parker.. and a few other damned good women as well.