
you could suffer it by proxy - as in, someone in your family could be intentionally making you sick to get attention.

you deserve to be acknowledged, she should apologize.

Classic painted black sheep/painted black child. The golden child always needs a scapegoat!

This. Talk to your doctor, get peace of mind. Don't let her undermine you getting healthy. I also have a fucked, dysfunctional family that was big into invading my privacy. If you can, take a break and get some distance. Make an excuse (big assignment? Told to by your doctor? Friend needs your help so you are going to

first night with no accidents! Good thing, too, the heater won't get repaired until Tuesday! Can't imagine washing sheets without warm water. What a weekend.

the repair guy is here right now! Fortunately, he likes us. Hub and him are both from Nova Scotia. Maritimes in Canada, bit like a cult.

It's brand new, hot water on demand. Wtf! Our furnace broke down before Xmas (2 year old top of the line gas!). Omg.

decided to potty train toddler after Christmas, came down with the flu on the 26th. Got ahead at work (which never happens! Soooo painfully short staffed) and was looking forward to an easy Friday. Pulled my back out while supporting potty training and had to call in sick.

boo on the double post.

I want to find a support group for are fortunate to have found support!

Ahhhhh!!! My dad was the fuck up with money, I totally can relate to where you are coming from. The lying and the money, wtf? Nothing worse then being defrauded by your own fucking parent. I'm afraid that mine will steal my identity one day...

well said! It's a regular struggle.

I cut my parents out for the same reason, so liberating!

I'm in the same club!

I'm in the same club!

fuck this woman, she's just feeding the beast. I'm sure my parents will find this article and add it to their rationalization for why we are estranged. Adult survivors of child abuse that are functional, successful people always contradict people's expectations. We should just be perpetual victims, anything else just

when I told my guy friend he was a feminist, he looked devastating. A self-loathing, feminist lite, I guess.

I have a good guy friend that was interested in a friend of mine. She asked what was great about him and I said breathlessly, "he's a feminist AND he's attracted to smart and ambitious women." She was totally turned off by this. He asked me what I said and he got all uncomfortable when I called him a feminist. I

I keep looking for the op in the comments and coming up disappointed. So many ladies! Doesn't he see the opportunity??

thin mints are amazing. Wish the girl guides here in Canada could hook me up...