Oreo Munroe

You got more from that story than I got telling it. I gave no emotional cues at all. I’m so willing to believe what you said, I went back and re-read what I wrote to make sure. And you are wrong.

You’re not fondling your devices if they are in fact hands-free! And although I won’t argue the point about distraction and cell phones, in my instance, there was no distraction bc there was no talking going. Just hold music.

I outed myself as a jerk by letting the manager know there was a problem with their take out order system. Since I had no idea it was an employee issue and not a phone or other issue, that makes it my fault. Bc that makes sense instead of telling a manager that I experienced a problem. You have outed yourself as that

Says the person who tells someone they don’t even know they hope they lose their job. I didn’t call the nitwit a nitwit to her face. I simply reported to the manager what I had experienced. And that apparently makes me a terrible person. How terrible that I reported my bad experience. I should have just kept my mouth

Yes bc no one has ever heard of a hands free device. Quelle Horreur!

I never said I counted it as a “win”, I simply retold a story wheresome actually fired themselves for being a nitwit.

I hope you get a job tomorrow.

That is the dumbest shit I have ever heard. I didn’t ask or “get” anyone fired. The person fired themselves by being an incompetent nitwit. All I did was let the manager know I had been on hold for 15 minutes.

Once, as I was climbing into my car, I called a place for takeout. They answered and put me on hold. I drove 15 minutes to the takeout place on hold. Got out of my car and walked in, still on hold, and asked for the manager. He came out and I showed him my phone and explained I had been on hold for 15 minutes. He took

Ahhh Spellcheck for CONTEXT left me in the lurch!!!

Like honestly, I’m ready to go run a 10k and left weights.

Bloop bloop!

well in the interest of full disclosure, I’m actually biracial (black & white) and my entire family makes stereotypical jokes at the expense of whomever we are joking on. My mom (the white parent) was constantly joked about for her “stereotypical white people traits” such as:

~spraying Troll-B-Gone all over the comments section~

I was just joking but that def puts it in perspective. I knew there was a drought in CA but it never occurred to me that it affected things down to washing your clothes. Yikes.

You are correct, it was a joke but you know what they say about throwing rocks... the dog that gets hit will yelp the loudest.

I snort laughed at this!

I didn’t even realize that was a thing! Hilarious!!!