What’s the big deal he was just keeping hydrated on a hot day
What’s the big deal he was just keeping hydrated on a hot day
This team was in TMQ’s “BUCK-BUCK-BRAAAAAWK” column more than all other teams combined
Bagpipes should be on this list, somewhere in the single digits
127 Hours>Into the Wild because Darwin
That’s a Lucille Bluth-level of cuntiness
They went back to the 80's helmets - is that a Stranger Things tie-in?
Barstool is taking the fall lol
“Of course she’s conservative; she’s a beauty contestant. If she was a liberal she would have gone to college” Bill Maher
Considering the History Channel has been running the Benghazi movie, I’d rather get my history lessons from softcore porn anyway
I’d like to apologize to that little girl on behalf of my wife, who voted for Gary Johnson because chemtrails
I wonder if the subject of Hawkins will come up at the next Reagan/Gorbachev summit
I watched Dunkirk in the theater and could have really used subtitles.
dayum that puts jon mcnaughton to shame
At least we have more Walking Dead issues to look forward to
As a kid I only got real butter at my grandparents’ house (on English muffins). The rest of the time it was nothing but Fleischman’s Margarine. God, that sucked.
He still looks weird to me without the wavy mullet
The Sabres traded a third-round pick for Jimmy Vesey, again.
Gawd, those shirts must’ve annoyed the piss out of Bill Simmons
Steven Ogg?