Maybe people shopping elsewhere is what is already happening? Maybe the people shopping elsewhere is why VS is not doing well? Just a thought...
Maybe people shopping elsewhere is what is already happening? Maybe the people shopping elsewhere is why VS is not doing well? Just a thought...
TLDR: Fake news site gets called fake, is butthurt.
“Conservative comedy” has always been an oxymoron. See: Dennis Miller, Jesse Watters.
To sum up:
It blows my mind that a black man can get shot for reaching for his drivers license but I, a white male, can go shoot hella people then drop the weapon and be like ok I’m ready for my Burger King.
Black violence: THUG, shoot to kill
When Bernie Sanders was talking about Medicare for all and was like ‘oh and by the way, insurance companies will be advertising on this channel tonight’ and the moderator was like YOUR TIME IS UP. TUME IS UP! Like every person isn’t going over their time. Uh huh. I see you cnn.
what a fucking gem of a human. i don't have anything constructive to add to this conversation. i just like hearing about her and knowing she's out in the world being such a goddamn force of nature.
Instant fame and glory, for the low-low price of your soul!
Look at Michelle Malkin. Already holds that position.
She’s on the Michelle Malkin career plan.
take his gun away.
Goddess, yeah. Garbage (mostly white) western men salivate so much for this ideal of a brainwashed/submissive Asian woman ( east or south, and to some extent, they do it with Middle Eastern women too) who validates all of their conservative beliefs and have tantrums when they come across those of us who are more than…
And thus, they are totally not racist. How could they be racist if they jerk it to an Asian woman who believes all the same opinions on race that they do?
Probably especially if you are a minority. Asian woman might be a particularly appealing combination as there will be so many white male conservatives with a hard-on for her.