
I have to say, I think it’s time for Pelosi and the rest of the old Dem guard to go. If we had a House filled with people like AOC, Tlaib, Omar, and Pressley, Donald would be waist-deep in impeachment by now. We can’t afford centrism anymore. The planet literally can’t take any more Republican dominance and their centr

I live in New Orleans, and I just asked my wife if she wants to break the “shelter in place” order to go see it. She does not.

Unlike The Lion King, this is a nature documentary I can get behind. 

Above all else, let's talk about civility while Republicans are putting children in cages. 

Yep! Hey Kellyanne! We are all.....

FYI - most cats wear 0-3mo baby clothes.

I am so happy, please send more!!

Hey Nancy....when Kellyanne Conway is supporting your side in a fight....you need to rethink your life choices.

Example 1:  The current president of the United States of America, Agent Orange.  No other examples needed. 

White men always fear being treated the way they treat everyone else.  

If there’s anything I’ve learned from wealthy, powerful white men, there’s one thing they cannot stand: public shame.

Everyone, this is the ghost of Meghan’s father.

I’m really am glad you like your boss, but seriously this is all I can think after reading your comment:

I have to agree with him, it is a huge (yuge) issue. That and money in politics, from which all evil flows.

Yeah who needs actual healthcare, when you can correctly pronounce it. That sick Neoliberal burn.

Yeah, but Daria is one of the greatest cartoons of all time, and arguably no TV show has better captured an entire generation the way she did.