Blessings on them!
Blessings on them!
Well done DSA. KEEP up the good work.
“My body drastically changed because of yoga.” OK, I don’t doubt that at all, but I prefer when she uses the word “dramastically,” myself.
I’m relatively close to 40 and I literally just found a haircut that works for me for the first time in my life. Who knows what wonders the future could hold for me?!
I love the juxtaposition of these women against the image of the all-male R&B performers at the top. To be clear, I’m not making an issue of the artist’s presence. I’m just loving seeing these important women in positions of real power assembled like the heroes they are, no bullshit, no hyberbole, just owning it.…
Thank you for sharing this Angela.
Well, trump’s super power is shitting out of his face-hole.
I mean I know she’s a horrible person and a cabinet secretary but she just seems like an especially dim anthropomorphized Golden Retriever
Somehow, somewhere Michelle Wolf is being blamed for this.
God this woman is such a piece of shit
So, Trump, the NRA and the DOE’s solution to schools not getting shot up is to arm teachers (and make schools safer?) and yet Devos does not want to discuss it a/o make that part of her school safety program? Echoing others in this thread, so fucking useless.
I swear that happened with the Wonder Woman tv show
Zeus saved him. Because magic.
I call them “anti-choice” because of Carlin’s rant about anti abortion zealots!
America, where we force you to have an unwanted child and then provide no family leave to care for that child. Brilliant.
Pray for us. Seriously.
I just... I mean....
I just keep waiting for the Rapture to take these assholes away and leave the rest of us here in peace.