I make a point to never read Big Boy’s tweets.
I make a point to never read Big Boy’s tweets.
Why would Ms. Cortez waste her time on a right-wing clown like Shapiro? What would she gain?
So, a racist says she's not a nazi. 'K...
The only joy right-wing lunatics have in life is crying & pretending they are victims. When in reality they are perpetrators.
Glad someone's making them useful...
He’ll be replaced sooner than you think. One of his many scandals will catch up with him & force him to resign before his term is up.
I’m glad there were consequences for bigots in this case. All people should be treated fairly whatever their skin color, etc.
Cortez’ policies help the 99%, which is why they’re so popular. To any right-wing lunatic, hearing these policies is like throwing holy water on a vampire. Because if the Democratic party was full of democratic socialists like Cortez, they’d steamroll A N Y republican they were up against.
Not sure what to tell ya. TYT describes itself as “Home of Progressives”. They call out right-wing shenanigans every. Day. They interviewed Cortez over 20 times before the corporate media ever heard of her. They interviewed Bernie multiple times in 2016 & aired one of his town halls on youtube recently. Cortez is a Ju…
Its called “The Young Turks” YouTube channel. For the last 14 years.
Why are racists like Roseanne allowed on YouTube?
That's conservatism 101. Pretend you're the victim while actually being the perpetrator.
“republican women” is a sad oxymoron.
That’s because no previous president has been a child like Big Boy.
This reminds me of the time when MRA’s were losing their minds over movie theatres hosting women’s only screenings of “Wonder Woman”.
corporate democrats are TERRIFIED of Progressive Democrats like Cortez who will work for Voters instead of donors. This Crowley bullshit proves it. #JusticeDemocrats
Big oil & coal companies want to poison you & me. Scott Pruitt helped them do that. His successor will be worse. #JusticeDemocrats
When the Left protests, professional liar Sarah Sanders Huckabee is asked to leave a Mexican restaurant. When right-wing lunatics protest monuments to traitors being removed & glorify white supremacy like they did in Charlottesville, people DIED. For conservative pundits to say they’re the same is ludicrous.
The Young Turks have always said that primaries are more important than the general. Cortez’ victory is why. Voters won. Not donors. Hopefully this is the first step for Progressives to take back the Democratic party. I want every corporate democrat to shit their pants as uncorrupted Progressives crush them all in…
She looks like your garden-variety unelectable right-wing lunatic who would take blood money from the Merchants of Death.