There are Strongwoman contests, if that helps.
There are Strongwoman contests, if that helps.
Washington state (all 50 states, really), should increase current business taxes on all megacorporations like Amazon by 90%. When they squeal like stuck pigs & threaten to leave, Washington should suggest that it not let the door hit their asses on the way out. Fuck corporations.
How many right-wing lunatics watch “Full Frontal”, anyway? TBS can FUCK RIGHT OFF!
republican politicians blame everything for gun massacres except the actual issue: the gunz. Vote those bastards out in November.
If right-wing lunatics actually wanted less abortions, they’d be on every street corner handing out contraceptives.
I call them “forced-birthers” ever since I saw a jez commenter use it.
If you work in your daddy’s regime & prove how tone-deaf you are by tweeting a photo like that, expect to be justifiably ridiculed. Why aren’t right-wing lunatics celebrating Samantha’s free speech rights, instead of being Special Snowflakes looking for a Safe Space? Finally, neither Sam, nor any Democrat should EVER…
Repeal the second amendment. Take ALL the ammosexuals’ gunz. Tax gunz. Tax ammunition. Fuck the Merchants Of Death.
Special counsel Ken Starr investigated Bill Clinton for SEVEN YEARS. Buckle up, Talking Cheeto!
I recently saw a video on TYT where a white guy was insulting a cashier at a coffee shop because she was wearing clothing identifying her as a Muslim. After a short while, the other customers started calling this douchebag out. The cashier refused him service & he walked out of the store empty-handed, as the other…
Every state (including Washington), should tell every corporation operating in their state to pay their fair share of corporate taxes or shut them down immediately. If said corporations leave, those states will get a lesson in how free markets are actually supposed to work as small businesses sprout up like weeds to…
Haspel belongs in prison along with her fellow torturers.
From what I can tell, the only purpose of heels is to punish women’s feet. Good on Ms. Stewart!
The Talking Cheeto won’t make it through a first term. He will be forced to resign or perp-walked from some kind of scandal.
Congratulations! You have just Won The Internet & a star!
She is a national treasure. I love how she has zero fucks to spare for those republican pricks.
Trump has been bankrupt six times.
I’m giving my Mom a tin of Almond Roca & a hug for Mother’s Day.
Somewhere in Georgia, an actual criminal is free while they waste taxpayer dollars on this bullshit.
Bryce Dallas Howard starred in “Jurrasic World” (2015).