
I saw “Ghostbusters” (2016), & liked it.

The only ones who will be happy that A Talking Cheeto just declared war on Iran are defense contractors.

I first saw the term in the Jezebel comment section (I didn’t coin it).

Even though gun massacres happen so often, apparently ammosexuals can’t grasp the fact that there are no “sanctuaries” from gunz in ‘murica.

I love this show! It one of the few comedies that is laugh out loud funny!

Scott Pruitt’s job is to let corporations poison you & me. Fuck them!

In the Cheeto regime: Tax cuts for the rich = important. Ending sexual harassment = not important. We’ll remember that in November, you dumbfucks!

A typo, eh? That Talking Cheeto couldn’t hit his ass with both hands! (as my Dad would say).

Just dropped by to say I love your “Daria” pic! :)

The Young Turks news program has never had access to politicians. And has been going strong. For at 16 years.

I just call right-wing lunatics Special Snowflakes when they deserve it. Which is often.

I’m shocked conservative Special Snowflakes were Triggered & needed a Safe Space after a comedian told the truth about them for 19 minutes.

Tax ammunition. Tax firearms. Vote out any elected official of any party who takes nra blood money.

If you’re actually looking for an honest politician, his name is senator Bernie Sanders.

rich people trying to smear underpaid teachers & underfunded schools is almost as dumb as firearm manufacturers trying to smear high school survivors of a recent gun massacre. Good luck with that.

I believe NPR said he’s out the door in 2019.

That would be poetic justice, all right!

Southern states such as South Carolina get more money from the federal government than it pays in taxes. So good luck with that.

Only right-wing lunatics & gun manufacturers could possibly be opposed to the mission of the Parkland students’: to stop gun violence in ‘ Murica.

I have no time for Maher ever since he started saying Islam is terrible. And for having corporate democrats on.