
I have no time for Maher ever since he started saying Islam is terrible. And for having corporate democrats on.

He was only there as the Token Liberal. Not sure how well that worked, since I don’t watch Fox Spew. He wasn’t brought on specifically to increase their revenue.

I’m curious to know how many right-wing media outlets have hired Liberals to boost their revenue? If so, did it work?

I just dropped by to say your screen name is Epic! :)

It reminded me of Dobby the House Elf from the “Harry Potter” books.

1) Police need better training. Train them to assess a situation first. Maybe shoot last or not at all, instead of first? There are more dangerous jobs than being a cop.

If only ‘murica had enough gunz!

Same. I love his show!

right-wing lunatics?

Thanks for giving me more reasons to not watch local news, corporate media!

1) Are you sure about that? Someone might cosplay him.

You go, girl! :D

This reminds me of when MSNBC started hiring every right-winger on the planet as hosts/contributors, presumably to increase their ratings.

(sigh). Guess it’s up to me to deliver some Truth-Telling:

My old right-wing neighbor recently posted a meme on Facebook ridiculing raising the age to buy firearms to 21. It said x amount of teens die from accidents from using smartphones while driving. And then said raising the age to 21 to use smartphones wouldn’t decrease those deaths.

So this is for women who want to accidentally shoot themselves & others around them?

I’d like to see DeVos’ footprints: as she walks out of The Talking Cheeto’s regime & back into private life, having utterly failed to destroy public education like she wants.

“crisis pregnancy centers” should be sued out of existence for fraud. 

If you are looking for an idiot, Carson will never disappoint you.

Entitled, rich, old, white male cabinet member in the Talking Cheeto’s Swamp outraged when called out by a female Democratic senator for his fuckery? Color. Me. SHOCKED!