Ass-Kicker! Just check upthread! ;)
Ass-Kicker! Just check upthread! ;)
She does plenty of Ass-Kicking in the movie! She's Awesome! :)
I agree, but they would also need someone who could ACT. Comic book WW is 6' tall. Ms. Gadot is 5'10". She’s fine, imho...
Hoping you’re wrong, because Wonder Woman is Awesome! :)
It’s setting up two things: The team up of the Justice League movies. And More importantly, Wonder Woman’s stand-alone movie next year...
My theory is that since he’s fighting Superman (& knows it), he’s wearing thicker armor than if he were just fighting the average street thug...
I thought it was great. I thought she was great! :)
It is. And she is. With much Ass-Kickage!
This fact was not lost on me. And she IS a Boss in the movie! :)
I heard Dawn of Justice sucked. I also heard Wonder Woman was in it. She was the only reason I saw it. I liked it & was pleased WW Kicked Supervillian Ass all over the place & looked overjoyed to do it!
So the WNBA supports violence. Good to know...
I always am reminded of Ingress whenever I hear about Pokemon Go...
If my PC wasn’t in the shop getting upgraded, I’d be playing Fallout 4. I’ve racked up more hours playing FO4 than I have playing Fallout:New Vegas! :D
Mel Gibson movies have had gratuitous violence for awhile, now. Always disturbing. Gets old, quick...
I had the misfortune of watching Prometheus. Never again...
By definition, trolls Cannot “look good”.
Item 1: I saw the TYT analysis of Williams’ speech. In the clips I saw, he was explaining why #blacklivesmatter exists, etc. It was a great speech. You’d have to be brain-dead to not understand that speech, which the petitioners apply demonstrate.
This judge sounds more like a defense attorney...
“Bernie Sanders Trolled By Reporter”.
Memo To trump: