
I hope this Ghostbusters reboot does well & has many sequels...!

I love that trilogy! :)

Churchill was a Tory (conservative), so his quote is unsurprising.

This is what happens when you don’t have Universal Health Care.

This legislator has the wrong job.

It’s important for republicans to tell conservatives who to hate.

In-between Wildlife Refuge standoffs, occasionally there’s good news in my state... :)

How dumb is the Trump campaign that they would think voters will fall for this crap..?

I just came by to give you a star.

I’m reminded of the Abu Graib (sp?) scandal, in which [white] service men & women Abused Iraqi prisoners.

I’m going with douchebag.

The school authorities cannot prove those women were engaged in “partisan political activities”.

What “partisan political activity” were they engaged in?

The reason there was a road for that tow truck driver to drive on:

“Let’s Blame Canada!” -South Park

I’d say you are winning. :)

An Elk would have a better chance of being president than Trump...

I saw The Young Turks coverage of this story. They showed a clip with the voices of Brian Williams, Rachel Maddow & Chris Matthews.

I admit not knowing who Matthews said that to, or who was there. In the clip I saw (on TYT), I heard Brian Williams, Rachel Maddow & Chris Matthews.

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