Mozgov is strongest
Mozgov is strongest
“Who has two thumbs and steals wages was him employees? This guy”
Is he related to Papa John? Both so punchable.
Yeah, weirdly, he’ll be really weak to Giant Super Mutants, though.
Tom Brady will be unlocked as you start your 5th play-through of the game. In the Fallout universe Goodell made the suspension stick.
Tom Brady is being released later as DLC that comes with loads of cheat codes.
I would have thought Colonel Sanders would be a breast man.
it’s the university of alabama...
Honestly, it’s like they’re not even trying this week.
Man, you guys are making the absolute laziest Pinkham’s Law attempt I’ve ever seen with this argument. Come on. You can all do better.
I love the idea that he wasn’t supposed to call the police on people about to endanger those around them.
My not for profit of choice!!!! (Because I worked for them for a bit :D )
Bomani Jones is far too good for ESPN.
Meh, nothing to see here. Kansas football is plenty used to being embarrassed by fat guys.
Nah, ‘sgotta be BUSCH. *crosses self*
Whoa now, let’s not get TOO cruel.
Hahahahaha, oh Brayden, darling, did you read that delightful new Bruce Williams column in the daily print out of the internet that one of our several butlers brought us this morning?