
Re: burner acct.

The assertion that you only feel better instead of being better is incorrect, depending on what's being studied. We had a couple of studies back in school of failed human trials for new drugs in some growth reductions where the placebo induced a 50% cure rate, and the drug was only a 52% cure rate, removing the drug

OK. Point to you about animal GMO stuff. I looked real quick, couldn't find my reference (which may have been internet produced.)

Fine. Breeding is selecting for genes, and therefore "genetically modified", except for one tiny little factoid that you are conveniently ignoring: it's done by the rules that were established by natural systems to keep the planet biosphere sane. Using the same word for a completely different mechanism is

You do realize that farmers have not been "genetically modifying" anything for thousands of years, they've been breeding by selection. In no way, shape or form could they take a gene from a bacteria, or a fungus, or an animal, and splice it into a plant to change its genetics, which is what GMO crops have done.

I think most people believe a school is for learning. It's been pretty thoroughly researched by Gatto that school is about becoming a useful member of the society as envisioned by the people that run it. Box thinking, indeed.

Bill Joy once predicted that the AC power outlet in your house would have another plate next to it, accepting a wire/wireless connection to the communication/computation/entertainment device of choice. If you needed CPU cycles, you'd just buy them at commodity rates like AC power to run your blender.

There's quite a "range" to poi, there. Fresh squeezed (pounded) is actually sweet and more like a gooey taffy. Then you have up to 9 days of fermentation depending on taste. The older stuff is pretty sour, and most palettes don't like it unless you grew up with it.

Well, actually, yes. We had to check the specs on the laser's we were using for the product because some plainly didn't work with certain media. We also had to experiment with media (which turned our to be an 8 player by 20 media type matrix) to prove that the combination we chose for the product worked, absolutely

Would you look at the packaging on this thing? It's got hurly burly written all over it. Colors, textures, etc. Someone did some fine design work, there.

It's the razor/blade model? A cunning company could make the body 100% bullet proof, which is sold at an effective loss from a cost perspective, but the heads/batteries wear out one at time and you can just buy those FRU's for incremental cost. Like laser printers, there is the initial cost, but they make 6 times

You have an assumption in your sentence that I'd like to point out, since I've already told you that's *not* how it has worked when we needed to guarantee the playing of media in a given situation. You can believe that part or not as you please.

Umm.. you're not listening. So I'm gonna repeat this.

There are so many directions to go with this, and here I sit with my brain in a bottle*, boggling. Terrible.

Hrm.. logic. Hard to refute. Except when it doesn't, actually, work on the ground.

I got one. They work.

I have 4 different players for a dvd at my house. I have to admit, they all have their very specific idiosyncrasies as you noted. A disk that plays on one, will not on the other 3, etc. The resurfacer dealie that puts those scratches into the disk seems to work well with two of my players, and one happens to be

Ya know, I like your boggle (no offense intended.) But I'm also wondering about the "bottling", since truly, my mind can *think* its way into believing its way more knowledgable than it is. So maybe a bottling boggling? And I'm probably stretching it since my mind is not currently bottled (and I'm working on that.)

Only if you didn't have anything else to do, otherwise: win.

Nice. First thing they did when shrinking the education budgets for No Child Left Behind was the arts. Yet, the thing that can inspire us the most is exactly that. Who knew?