
Ah, yes. The Gateway Hug theory. It starts with hugs, and then leads to other more serious infractions. Like Peace. Like no war. Like acceptance. Like .. well, tolerance.

My 15" Sears and Roebuck adjustable wrench from the 60's or so. That thing is so useful for all kinds of problems, why, just waving it at my 2007 Macbook caused it to start working again because it was so impressed with the displayed awesomeness.

Which, in my machine, happened to make it play from it's unplayable state. I suppose this is another case of internet ymmv.

What you wrote: "But thanks for reading!"

Absolutely. But I'm not making an "excuse". What I tried to do was a passionate excoriation of my imposed system that in any real free and fair market, would be deader than hammered dog vomit. Except, for the little fact of rounding back to my original argument, that would mean the people making money now don't get

That kinda centers one of my others responses - thanks. The money thing is a snarky comment on my point, but the main point is that those barriers are in place with regulations, etc. because of stopping the valuation of profit over every thing else behavior. The so-called "socialized" medicine of other countries is

You missed my /snark. I know it's not just about money, however a lot of the hoops that have to be gone through are a result of restraining those that would release something just to make money because that's the highest value in the cultural system we have. My comment could be rephrased as "What would happen if

Northshore on Kauai, per chance? Big Island (Hawaii) northshore beaches aren't anything to talk about.

My current brain in a pubescent male body. Um, the earth is not ready for that.

That's because they haven't found a way to make money from it, yet. When they do, they'll be out in the next year. /snark

I would want to be relevant to the creation and not just a statistic. However long that takes. Time in place to get there could vary, but at the end, leave some positive mark. I could go happy, then.

I've always liked that one. You shoulda heard the rip that Bill Joy gave on COBOL and FORTRAN programmers when the object oriented stuff started. Classic. He was right, too, they really did have a hard time to make the shift (and mostly, were not able to do it at all.)

From a long lived perspective, that stuff seems to be unkillable. My dad 20 years ago was making changes to 25 year old programs, which in one case, are still running at that old company. Amazing.

I see that. But the mechanism that produces the effect can only be the quality of sperm production, right? Since a younger man produces a viable sperm that doesn't have the effect (thereby eliminating genetics?) but the older version of that man's sperm does produce the effect, it's got to be in the quality of the

First, I want one of these in my backyard. I need some decent shop equipment.

I wonder if it really is shocking. I'd heard that sperm are so frackin' fragile in physical makeup to external influences. I remember stopping drinking/drugs, getting sleep, avoiding chemicals and exercising way outside my norm for 6 weeks (theoretical time to flush any deficient sperm) before making babies.

I remember a meeting with some COBOL programmers at Control Data where we were helping them transition to some sort of new environment. They asked us a question that still exemplifies them in my eyes, which was, "Ummmm.. how many columns in an 'int'?"

They use the same scale they use for everything. If Apple/IBM can build a computer in 1 year, they take 10. If Google/Oracle can release software in 1 year, they take 10. If I would move that thing in 1 day, they take 10. Same scaling.

I saw..

In the User Manual, it could say, "Warning: Avoid Ingestation [sic], secure your belt." Or "Warning: Body Ingestion could damage fan blades. Body ingestion will void the warranty." That should cover it.