WTF am I supposed to put into stockings?
WTF am I supposed to put into stockings?
I get it. There’s not much I like to do more than watching birds, if you know what I mean.
You got shared to Kotaku. We’re in a war with Gizmodo to see who has the worst comments section.
Apparently one of the perps was also in a hoodie from another neighboring school in the diocese. Racism may not formally be classified as a mental illness, but it’s certainly a contagious disease
Ironically, Starship Troopers is the perfect litmus test for ideology. Liberals correctly recognize it as satire, while conservatives take it’s jingoism to heart.
I can’t fathom the massive stupidity of shouting, “Build the wall,” at a group of Native Americans.
(Runs up Puffing and wheezing)
Please let the federal workers strike so we can replace them from the private sector. The whole country will thank you endlessly once we get better service at a cheaper cost.
Replacing government workers from the private sector does not automatically get you cheaper, better quality services. It usually gets you higher costs with less service as the private sector attempts to extract profit from something the government does at cost.
Your premise assumes that the private sector would replicate all of the functions that the government currently performs.
Gosh, I thought being obviously hyperbolic would clue people in I was deliberately trying to contrast how conservatives will ignore what’s likely a clear breach of security when their side does it while overblowing a similar, likely -less- impactful, event when liberals did it.
Your last paragraph is perfect.
The Dems could vote for one day of blue skies and sunshine and the Republicans would immediately call it an effort to destroy America. The top level of the rhetoric of the Republican party has moved to the annihilation of the Democrats for no other reason than that they exist.
White women have a long history of voting their husband’s best interests.
Ah, yes, the old ‘If you don’t think the way I do, you’re stupid’ angle. You were civil and reasonable until the end. Good try, I guess. I guess because I threw away my vote on an independent instead of the other two piles of useless, openly corrupt dogshit, I’m a moron.
You seriously think the razor-thin margins that…
Very few thought “he seems smart.” Most thought, “fuck Hillary Clinton.”
This just hurts my heart. I’m a suicide survivor, a rape survivor, a foodie, and a giant fucking know-it-all. And I happen to know Bourdain personally through a friend. This hurts my heart in a way I never thought some acquaintance’s death could. Thinking about this and Argento and her life makes me sick with sadness.…
It’s worth taking a little side journey into “what is depleted uranium?”
fuck off.