Exactly. The "new normal" is that which is "unexpected", whether caused by . Question is whether we have the ability to adapt.
Exactly. The "new normal" is that which is "unexpected", whether caused by . Question is whether we have the ability to adapt.
So, let me get this straight.
"days". That's "yom" if you read the original un-translated Hebrew edition. Using the ancient dictionary (because it's different now) "yom" is a "unit of time" for the predominate meaning. The meaning was implied in context. Sorta like using "dakine" to mean whatever you're talking about in Hawaii. They…
"Hey, urine luck! We got a fire!"
Wowsers. I guess the "really, though" and "esplode" nomenclature didn't come through. I apologize for that, it was a little obscure and the playful tone of voice I meant to convey very possibly didn't work.
Plasma displays were rock steady and high contrast. We'd use those all night the late 70's and go outside at dawn heading home and the sunrise light was not the right color, but it was interesting.
The case study in business school for this device is classic. Synopsis: Pre announce Osbourne II, kill sales on Osbourne I, cash flow crisis kills business.
Wish I could reply to more people about this, but:
Reminds me of the joke that ends with:
Looks like quality tools, and I'm all about quality tools. But what is that?
Just so you know: sane, thoughtful, experience based comments may not go over well on the net. *sighs* But there are those of us who appreciate them.
Yeah, it's a bad illustration for sure. The spidermanning (like that word) is problematic, but the pulleys for each side looks like a single axis, so the combined lift is the weight of each person on either side (without considering the grip of the scissors arrangement). Two people lifting could move as much or…
Oh puulease. That is so 1960's.
Beware Cellphone Spongiform. Feeding cellphones to cellphones.. well, we know how that turns out.
If it's affecting the productivity of the team, tie the change in behavior to his paycheck continuation plan. That always gets my attention.
Ya know, "stupid" is an easy term to throw around, but may not capture the situation. There's the design, the execution, and the implementation, one of which might have been "stupid", while the others were brilliant.
Failing Differential Equations, obviously.
Depending on the time of month, my butter melts at different temperatures.
I have angered the Tool Gods many times by using a tool meant for one thing on something completely outside its design. In observance of my transgression, I was required to replace said abused tool AND acquire the correct tool. This, of course, pleased the Man Gods who recognized the twisted but effective logic for…