
It's a subtropical/tropical plant, the sub-text of that is full sun exposure or partial full sun exposure. I had a shefflera plant in my N. CA office that was doing well in the window, but was still a plant. When we went to Hawaii one time, I noticed my office plant was a tree here that could reach 70' high, was

@lizon is right. One good place to see: [www.cmar.csiro.au] with 120 meter historical record.

Luckily they don't swim so well or else we'd have more human, umm, diversity.

My impression of the human experience (emphasis on *mine*) is that "tangibleness" is a valued experience. I like to "feel" or "see with my own eyes" something more physical. How many times have I (and many people I know) gone into a store to lay hands on some product, and then promptly gone to look for it on-line to

It won't taint the beer with a plastic taste?

I like these. Especially for us Bohemian Hippie types masquerading as Corporate Droids.

Oh, they used the other meaning. Not Safe for Wankers-who-get-embarrassed-by-stuff-everyone-does-everyday-but-doesn't-talk-about-because.

The original Snap-On tools.

My favorite story about Marc was from a Microsoft distinguished (director pay level) engineer back in 96’. Netscape 2.0 had come out, and Marc was invited or somehow got a chance for a high level meeting with Microsoft, including Bill.

I've probably hired about 150 people in my career and with my hiring manager hat, that's exactly the kind of thing I'd be looking for in someone.

I like that. Although, as a hiring manager there is extreme entertainment value (along with info value) in asking questions that can't be answered, and allowing the candidate to "guess."

You nailed it, and I bet it's going to get more and more like that. I'm going to reiterate a prediction of Bill Joy's from the 80's:

Experienced bartenders around here (at least at the higher end places) shake to a particular sound, not a time. The sound loses a sharp sound, starts to just get mushy and they decant. I'd guesstimate at 4-5 seconds like you said.

I suppose we all better get used to it. You can bet these coral viruses aren't new. There are now many examples of organisms that have done fine with bugs, viruses, bacteria or fungus for as long as they've been around, but are now succumbing to those same no big deal diseases/vectors. Lodgepole Pines, Blue Spruce,

I've always wondered where the fascination with the "blow things up" meme comes from ('cause I sure have it.) Working at a company with tons of engineers of various types around, I started asking the question of "did you go through a bomb phase growing up?" from engineers where I could. A very few (male and female)

Surprised they didn't mention the shoulder blade not connected to the spine, thing. It's all tendon and super tough fascia that holds those shoulders together but still allows them to stretch straight back under impact with a front paw first, absorb through shoulders, xfer to back feet, absorb through back legs type

Back in the day, every 12 year old kid had access to a Daisy air rifle or some other implement of plinking destruction. We just need to give some gun safety courses, issue some decent equipment and the 12 year olds will take care of it for us.

I wouldn't want to but my health insurance, either. I'd rather be able to buy it. /snarky I know what you mean, and actually, I agree. Mandating that *private for-profit* health insurance companies have to have their products bought - that's corporate and investor welfare, for sure.

I go with horny. Of course, I don't have direct experience of that, just, um, anecdotes.

I guessed at your comment's real meaning, and managed to get it generally right, but thanks for the clarification. My point was targeted at the other side of the opinion where the same presented logic seems to be in operation, but for the (supposed) opposite result - which seems silly to me.