I'll leave this here, because you'll like it, and I find it amusing in the whole context of so-called conservative and liberal talking points.
I'll leave this here, because you'll like it, and I find it amusing in the whole context of so-called conservative and liberal talking points.
Because giving your tax dollars to "buy your friends" makes about as much sense as the attitude that giving your tax dollars to "buy your enemies" makes.
I honestly thought the whole thing was a dis', and I was wrong. I am all about the apology on that, so sorry. Sometimes I hate email written words because you can't see the forest for the trees sometimes, and I *really* dislike getting it wrong.
You aren't clear as what you're referring to, but in the case of close pass drills, it's the amount of physical turning and length of eye contact during space intrusion which change based on intent. Sentry removal has the same effect in that a head will turn to look even with no perceived noise - practitioners of the…
If a soil becomes depleted, it'll resemble sand. Deserts are growing as a result of all life leaving, not generally because rocks wear down (though the soil is rocks wearing down, originally.)
AnObservantOne mentioned "priming" below, and I think it's relevant here. Was taking some awareness training in a self defense class. After doing class, we'd go out and try reading people for danger or whatever, looking at how they reacted to us when we pushed a little into their space, noticing our own reactions…
Your point is well taken, as I wasn't as clear as I could have been. I have to deal with these people all the time, too - didn't mean to imply that my world is love and light. They just don't get my best connection effort because I know it won't be repaid. That's what I'm really talking about when I say "I won't…
As I see it, he Woz isn't actually speaking to the real issue surrounding Mike D. Mikey's crime isn't his monologue, or so-called "theater", as I would expect that from someone like him (even when I don't agree with how he goes about it.) And maybe it's done some good - so be it.
Yer right. 4 weeks ago it was this.
Where I live, when it *plunges* into the 60's, we declare a 3 blanket night.
Baggage accumulation is a function of whether you want to work on it or not. Yes, some people will accumulate until it weighs them down. Others will cleanse, do yoga, therapy, Mankind Project, Landmark Forum, nature connection, etc. to handle their daemons. As an example, think Dalai Lama and tell me he's got more…
47" in 7 days here. 59.5" in 7 days up the road a ways. He was right. I.Am.Not.Lying.
Betcha' two bits Mr. Loki13 knows that. Actually, he invented it.
"I like what I know!", the rallying cry of rugged individualists everywhere. /s
In my day, we just used to manufacture crisis' and then solve them by calling it off. Management Theater. ....Oh wait.
Don't forget to include the often ignored "insert 20 other high tech company manufacturer's names, along with Apple" in that sentence.
First kid when I was 33, last kid when I was 42. I won't be around as long as other dads, but my wife and I agree that we were so much better prepared than if we'd had them 10 years earlier. So.Much.Better.
I've been looking for a low cost spay and neuter clinic, since the pinko-commie-hoser-socialism system forgot to include 45 million of us pinko-commies.
Your reference to copper brings up a good point I hadn't though of before. That aluminum, unless fairly heavy, is going to oxidize and break down fairly fast under thermal stress. I wonder how long this would last.
That's the ticket I was looking for (and didn't find.) Thanks.