You aren't alone, except maybe in the shouting part. I learned long ago that I can't change other people, no matter how I feel about it. So, I concentrate on 1) my kids and 2) kids of people that look at my kids and ask, "How did you do that?" For number 2, there's always the ask first piece, otherwise it's…
After the burning, did you notice your eyes move around in your head better? Put some hot pepper juice in mine for some herbal thingy, initially thought I was gonna die, but man, that had a lasting positive effect on my eyeballs.
This is that part of the libertarian message I could really support. Of course, our world would turn upside down if we *really* let the markets decide. Could be fun, tho.
Get sick and die, apparently. All while looking at the wrong problem, for maximum statistics enhancement.
Recombinant DNA insertion is NOT something we've been doing for a long time. Breeding, same species to same species, yes, a long time. Inserting bacteria genes into corn plants, no. That's not "more efficient", that's different.
Not only with you be safe, but you'll be able to *taunt* them, also! How rad is that?
There's a distinction here between design and implementation that's not been outlined. If the design has a hole in it, then there's a fundamental problem with the system. If there's a implementation problem, and the design is sound, this wouldn't be a problem at all except for the specific bug.
Holy Nutz. This thing would be beeping, putting on the brake and popping the hood airbag about 90% of the time in Berkeley. (Unless you've driven there, people (read: students, hippies) just step out into the road and expect everyone to stop. First time I drove there, I almost hit 3 people.)
The differences between operating on a purely physical level, and operating at an intuitive level along with a physical level is legion. They seem to be talking about the The Intuitive Warrior, which is a book written by Michael Jaco, 24 year Navy SEAL. (And 3 years as instructor at BUD/S, nickname, The AntiChrist.)…
Well, we'll see if spring brings a reboot. If getting kicked out of their chosen places kills the movement, then it was a camping movement and nothing else.
I think @Volante3192 got it right. Scape about 5% off the top of any of your tax money that Lockheed gets as net income and give it back to investors. Also, make sure that the most expensive process is used to produce this new whizbang thingy. Make sure that plenty of MI complex stays alive. Then think "government…
That happens everywhere, not just in the government contracts. If we could just get those pesky people out of the mix, then, why, everything would be logical (but no fun.)
Ya think winter, the cold, windy kind, had anything to do with that?
Hmm. I wouldn't have been a good customer of this since I was such a nerd about my newly acquired gadget (of a kid.) I wanted to know *everything* myself. Who would'a thought that 7 seconds of glory (for me) could result in such an interesting new toy.
Re: so that's why women can walk around in public normally with bared breasts
(As I recall) Ya ever notice in Genesis that everything else that created ends with "and He saw that it was good" but not the creation of man? Oh wait... shit.
I am lovin' the looks and attention on the faces of the men that are watching. Imagination seems to have certain limits, and when you exceed that, you get to that place you see in the eyes of the men. You only need enough representation for those watching to be interested, and no more.
Lay down some layers like homeless people do in corners, and it gets there. But you're right, if I saw that I'd be thinking, "Dude, you need to drink more water."
I understand your distinction, and to the extent that my experience and knowledge cover it, I'll agree with your slicing and dicing of the concepts.