
Suspect that education was received by "everyone involved."

In "The Dangerous Book for Boys" they outline gluing glass shards to kite strings and then having battles. First kite to get severed loses. I really like that book. Gave it to my boys.

Re: design for RF away from earth quake vibration range.

Side to side looks good. What about up and down earthquakes? Wouldn't that be like jumping on the bed? Or, better yet, hit harmonic motion on the airbag and the house goes airborne.

Yer right, it's a bad scene. Just wanted to comment on the tilapia thing.

Trvth. I should have said "dominant cultural MO" or maybe "the aspect of our culture that seems to get its way most of the time."

Is it me, or does anyone else notice that science keeps coming up with new ways to use existing plants and animals that we didn't know anything about? But our entire cultural modus operandi is to *not* value these things before we find something significant, so we let them die off, or erase them because, of course,

In my mandatory "Be A Manager, Go To Jail" classes every year, I just remember my relief when the lawyers reiterated that using "dude" was acceptable (meaning, you couldn't go to jail for it) for male and female references. It's a tough habit to break.

That gives me a good idea! I'm going to start a new line of furniture that includes a mounted mirror 45 degrees off vertical. Instant business growth. -Dr. Seemore Nosehair, Happy Valley Plastic Surgery Clinic.

A line from a show that Dana Carvey did:

Not sure what part of my comment you're asking about. Just guessing here, but..

Yes. Imagine how much better we'll all feel morally when we "gave them every chance", even though we all know how it's going to end.

OK. Let's create a symmetric warfare resposne for a world that, by preconceived definition, is going to be asymmetric warfare in truth. Descriptive words fail me.

Let's make it civilized. 3 strikes and you're out.

Me too. But I wonder if I got to touch the rock, or the human grease covering the rock.

Kinda funny, everyone seeing something different. I get no smiling turtle, but I can't shake the Rolling Stones tongue image.

Huh. Who'da thunk. The full blown (and I do mean measured in hours) Iroquois thanksgiving address has a section in it that thanks the little organisms high up in the sky (tiny spiders, molds, creepy crawlies, whatever) for repopulating the bare spots on the earth with life, etc. The tradition is 1100 years old.

Only when cows are involved. O_o

So there I was, sitting up late at night, reading, and the real answer to your question came to me.