
""Ooh they moved one gene from a plant to another, the worlds going to end."

Did. Have. It's amazing the research here.

Whoa. With the geek seal of approval, and the latent iPad/Apple hate in the PC world, what a brilliant cross-over product to get PC lovers to "fuck" the thing they love to hate.

There were hydraulic actuators on the heads of some of those yard diameter vertical disks, holding 10's of KB. They went *shhoooosh* *shoosh* when they were reading, and buzzed when they wrote.

(My comment to this is not here. Hrm. Prolly Late Night Fu.)

Yes, exactly. Them too.

Hey! Another example of corporate "making money is what you can get away with" behavior. Or, alternatively, they could have:

I'm in over my head, too. But I think your observations are right on, maybe only to the generation that "syncs" with the 20 year old Liz Taylor. There's always going to be a need for a refresh.

Hmm. Seems like entertainers get top pay in our society for what they produce. Technology centered around entertainment (or "distraction" if that's appropriate) is one of the top investment areas.

This might be news, but they've determined that corporations *are* people. Artificial to be sure, but people with rights and whatnot.

There's something to consider, though. Let's say as a company you want to either get some talent at another company for your own use, or poach them to deny that talent to your competitor. Those are very worthy goals in and of themselves, and companies with larger margins tend to do it all the time. HR is a

You are definitely a product of this culture, that's for sure. I suppose that the homeschooling stories I'd have to share would curl your hair and be "impossible". But we'll just have to have our opinions.

This might be true. Or it may not in this case. The GMO thing is definitely an unknown as to impact, and the intention of it is to sell more other products, not produce more food (which we don't need, anyway - economic equality and distribution would fix that.)

Actually, it doesn't take an outsider. It just takes someone with common sense and logic, as you mentioned above.

Education means..."actually forcing stuff in you brain till it stays there. "

Won't work with people that watch birds, either. Unless they mimic real bird behavior which would be counter to intelligence gathering, these things are going to stand out like sore thumbs.

I don't want speakers on my tool chest, I want Siri's sister Isabel with RFID coded tools in there.

Maybe "so much", maybe not so much. You'll notice the page you give doesn't have any citations, so Stevie is pulling that information from somewhere, wherever that is.

Re: final days.

The Internets: Maximizing Maximum Entertainment Value. I give it a 74, a good beat and easy to dance to. Good job, Mat.