
It occurs to me with careful reading that the so-called disclosure of "it and it's competitors" wasn't corporate responsibility per se, but a brilliant piece of marketing damage control. "Oh, poor us, we're *all* victims of this terrible commodities travesty...blahblahblah."

The paradigm change has already happened with the first Apple Mac II's in classrooms running Applenet. That capability is a given and now a baseline. The little elementary school in my closest town has an IT guy.

Etc. count > 2. Clown. Can't edit. Flarg.

It's unclear to me that Apple is going about this wrong. They seem to be following a old pattern, which was copied by MS, Sun, IBM, etc. lateron. Putting your products into the education system one of the most effective means of guaranteeing future sales as those students get older and enter the job stream, become

The whole fancy, expensive to replace meme is rampant throughout our culture and not just in cars as you've (and the article) have aptly discussed. $250 to replace the touch panel out of my oven and I live in a sub-tropical place that eats electronics for breakfast, so it's just going to keep happening.

But think of the manliness aspect. By the looks of it, naked 230V conductors and unprotected red hot surfaces with imminent danger. I like it.

Grad students will do anything for a job that looks good on paper. "Industrial Design Engineering Intern Wanted: Must have sense of humor and be willing to work *closely* with the team."

You know, I had the same type of question of "how did they get here" when the Toto toilets that washed you after you'd done your business came out. "dealie bobber" aiming is not intuitive.

I have to agree with most of what you said, especially the part about continuing to be eloquent. But I'd offer another perspective for:

You have to ask? Like chicken, of course!

I think they must have been using the Mick Jagger Method for drug use.

Coming from a family of 2 boys, and raising 3 boys, I can assure you that your statement is 100% correct (at least for boys.) We just used other objects because iWhack wasn't out, yet.

She *does* have a nice holster.

If Peak Oil, then the military that can move is gonna win. Payback may be faster than 30 years, but measured differently.

I can see your point. That graphic and fundamentally personal description is not everyone's way of expressing themselves. But consider this from a product development point of view.

Interesting. Reminds me of "Outliers" on some level. In the end, he/she set a goal/intention, gave it their full attention, paid the price (time) for allowing it to happen. That's the basis of success at anything.

Maybe: "Someone horribly raised some children it looks like"?

I didn't know that, though those parasites aren't taking over a body and changing behaviors. I especially like the louse that replaces a body part.

That's why the recipe only calls for 2 cups. Of a 750 ml bottle, that leaves 1 1/4 for you. Yay!

Your discussion brought to mind the parasitic behavior changing fungus that takes over ants. I suppose that's a much simpler system as opposed to humans, but it's a theme right out of "invasion of the body snatchers" where this disease (until we know more) kinda feels like that.