
You'll pardon me if I laughed at your response, but it wasn't what you said, it was the honestly behind it. You don't see that very much and I can only appreciate it. And thank *you* for having the guts to be out there (and as I said, whether I agree with the stance or not.)

This whole posting got my attention because of the polarization and baiting, and I do honestly think you care (whether I agree or not.) As for presence, you're right in there, which is props to you.

Thanks for that. You're right.

Yep, I'm with you. But..

No worries. It's just the "autowash".

Considering the way kids react to things like pudding, it's a wonder that the "Kid Crack Dispenser" took this long to make what with the protections it needed.

Wiping becomes an art event? ODIST*

Talking with VC's in the 90's, there were a few that had an outlook about funding that I found to be refreshing, and in the end, very insightful. Their main criteria (like 80%) for funding was based on whether the people on the team could gel and work together, complemented each other, etc. The other 20% was

Should have her visit Kauai. Over the top Chicken Love.

We had Vel suits made for the kids, and a Cro wall installed. We just pushed the kids against the wall, and they stuck.

My wife uses a cup and it is great. As Photophile suggests, it does have to be cleaned. But there are other alternatives for sanitary napkins.

And such an easy fix for the hard to control, or as you imply, the incompetent to parent. It's also a gadget.

This being Christmas time and all, they could have just gotten a bunch of Dad's that have small children and said, "Hey guys, can you hide the shape of this like you do for Christmas presents?" Of course, depending on where the Dad's were from, it might have come out as other interesting shapes causing their own

Dunno if anyone here remembers/knows it, but Plato out of University of Illinois, originally, and Control Data up in Mpls (later) had mainframes with hundreds (saw >1,000 many times) of users on them simultaneously. You could send email (p-notes), read forums (g-notes), chat, slave a terminal to yours, do your

Don't forget how to 'hack' those phones! Pulse dialing with a key-locked rotary wheel was still possible.

Oh, sure. We've eaten rooster, pig and goat, too. But I've only ever seen the standard ones on a menu once in my whole life.

Could be the ingredients available/used.

In Paul Pitchford's book Healing with Whole Foods (good book by the way if interested in that stuff), he takes the Chinese medical classification of foods and breaks them up for various effects (low mucus foods for when you have a cold, etc.) The one thing that's clear is that the "flavors" the Asian cooking is

Generally, I think you're right...and, Glenn Greenwald over at Salon just wrote a piece about this very thing having to do with Hitchens dying, but the same issue applies. You might want to check it out - he makes a good case for public figures not getting the same treatment as a private individual.

No sorry needed - you can always take my comments anywhere you please. I don't bite. Well, except in certain appropriate consensual circumstances. The internet is not one of them. Waaay too much of that going on.