Nah. I'm the first one to show an acceptance different through making fun of myself. But maybe that didn't come through looking at it this morning.
Nah. I'm the first one to show an acceptance different through making fun of myself. But maybe that didn't come through looking at it this morning.
Yeah, but what do you call them when they live out in the country, have dairy goats, meat rabbits, chickens and geese? Ruralsexuals? Redneck Commies? People? *gasp*
My 9 year old boy likes pink. And dresses. And painted toenails. The girls on the land really appreciate the opportunity to practice with him, also. And he's so girl relationship focused he doubles as a NIST reference for heterosexual.
I'm imagining back to post WWII and what these items would have been in 1950 dollars. And just how people would have perceived it.
War is an overdrive event, and you come fully alive in a threat/survival situation. We use edge situations when mentoring youth in survival training and and other techniques for stretching their knowledge of themselves, and they get that look, too. (It's not war, but watching someone seriously sneaking up quietly…
(response to another comment above. This for notification purposes.)
Just a suggestion, Jr. G. Not trying to rag on ya, just looking at the levels of interaction and seeing a non-fit without more information.
Not sure I'd go with "happy". Threat environments bring out the awareness and the energy you need to survive/live, and sometimes it's hard to "feel alive" when it's not there. I see that aliveness in all the pics of "during". The movie "The Hurt Locker" kinda put a point on that effect.
In the interest of discussion and them looking the same, I'd invite you to take a different tact with these pics.
The cat waits with bated breath for the acquisition of this table. (Hrm - image fail.)
I'd heard that several people were killed last year by an avalanche of big hair in Texas. You sure you don't need this balloon thingy there?
Yes, but if you use *more*, you get a discount. Just use enough to get to (almost) zero cost.
Maybe. But public schools have the same problem of leadership skills distribution, no? Maybe even worse? And they are still out performing the private. It's something to note - you and I won't be able to figure it out here.
I consider the error there may have been naming one of the preeminent digital effects companies after it.
In the 80's there was a project to digitize the manuals for an aircraft carrier. The project was to put the entire thing on CD's. The manuals hold all the technical spec's and engineering drawings to fix nearly everything on that boat, and they kept the manuals in armored (fire, water, penetration) file cabinets on…
Re: practically fly themselves:
There's only 47,000 registered lobbyists within driving distance of Washington DC. Don't think that's going to work. Pays too well, and we all know how incentives work; really, really well.
"they are usually assholes..."
Agreed. He's got something that is not to so common these days, also. His head will actually fit through the door. You get the impression that he'd be fun to work with on a team, being enthusiastic about doing a good job without the baggage that many people have.