
Lucky for me my diction doesn't determine my domicile, 'cause yer right about that.

Don't live in Hawaii, eh?

'Zactly. Sent my basket case motorcycle to my brother from Mpls to Colo, and there was one of the B-52 sized cockroaches in there. He hadn't seen one before, got the Raid, sprayed it, and it crawled right outa the foam. He'd never seen that before so sprayed it again, liberally. It crawled out and tried to get

Nothing. Ignore what other people think and do what you're called do. If there was a lesson from Steve Jobs, that was one.

Phasers on "obliterate."

Mentoring with style. Enhancing the imaginative capabilities of the constituency for future gadget reading enjoyment. Very forward (dare I say, technological) thinking.

Yer a carbon based life form, as are most all life on the planet. Yer guts are a molecular assembly plant. It doesn't mean that you take apply broccoli heads directly to your thighs. (Though I have noticed a troubling tendency for beer, cake and chocolate to do just that. In the interest of efficiency, I just apply

You may also just sit still for hours at a time and then suddenly move fast. The benefit to that of course is the high freak factor.

That's a "good luck!" proposition. I suppose it's more like a "err on the side of the unknown" or "err on the side of the known." type question. Conservatives (read: liberals) will want the latter, while liberals (read: conservatives) will want the former. Go figure.

Bovine Is So Fine.

Are you kidding? They totally hung onto that rabbit. Smoked rabbit is delish, after all.

Had it. There isn't a chance in hell of the two being comparable except in the minds of undiscerning. Because I wouldn't even piss on a Billy Beer to hear it splash.

Absolutely agree.

Too bad - as a fiscal conservative, you should be interested in who has grown the debt as a percentage of GDP the most.

I should just point that out the original article didn't seem to say any of those things you're saying it said. Big article (every article is big I guess), saying "you don't want to draw attention to the issue.", which, given that I can read, I can't get that message from the article at all.

Yer missing the point of the conservationists. It isn't about the trees per se, because as you point out we can always plant more. It's the fact that the environment (sometimes the very one that supports the tree without which it *can't* grow) is killed along with the tree that makes it a non-starter in their books.

Betcha a mohel would be cheaper. And faster. More skillful. And less infection.

There was a major war over 3mm of height on a workstation case at Sun back in the day. I admire people that are so in tune with what they want they can make those micro-distinctions between "yup that's it" and "nope, that ain't it."

Leader, yes. But it's why the parts wore out early, too.

Huh. Thanks for that comment - it got me thinking about those two quotes from PsychoS and I realize that they are the same darn thing. People don't know what they want until you show it to them because they *are* trapped by dogma.