
3 lines is normal, the cross-licensing war is going on all the time. IBM was suing everyone in the 80's (and p'rolly still is like any good tech business) resulting in revenue to them. The patent that my product infringed on? "The graphical manipulation of data." If you drag a graphic on the screen, and data

Consider that much of the world didn't come from dairy country, and have no tolerance to lactose. This fixes THAT problem, but you still have to fuel the cow with water, food, resources and that's not efficient compared to raising other types of food.

One could consider it immoral not to address the *actual* problem of world hunger, which is access and distribution, and has almost nothing to do with food production. (At least right now, by 2050 with 9 billion people, who knows. Suspect water will be the problem.)

Ya know, I agree with that statement 100%. And I have seen the evidence of that same smarter, organized and funded entity doing exactly the wrong things, appearing to be idiots but having all the right arguments.

Dunno about this E. Coli specifically, but it might follow the same pattern as in the US. The deadly one in the US from cattle guts is a result of a acid balance due to feeding grains to the cows. Grass fed cows have E. Coli 157 but the non-harmful E. Coli's keep it in check. In grain fed cows, the intestine ph is

I sometimes get surprised by the stories people will make up about other people from little or no data. I've worked for women that could kick 98% of the population's mental and emotional ass and not break a sweat, but could very authentically get gooey over babies or horrified from violence (when they didn't start it

'Zactly. 98% boredom when you can sharpen the shovel and 2% unalloyed terror when zombies attack.

Context sensitive. A bottle opener is pretty scary when you're getting onto your 12th beer.

Absorbed, as in "Resistance is futile, you will be absorbed."

You could always get the doctor my boss had. He was being prepped, and the doctor came in with his hands in the air like he'd just washed them, and said "OK, I just reread the procedure so let's get this done before I forget anything."

You pray, you hear "Keep moving that shovel.", and lo and behold, the tunnel digs itself! What could be more divine that that?

Thanks for that image. Brought to mind the Balinese Monkey Chant from "Baraka". It's on youtube. Perfect flamewar imagery.

The natural laws of a cultural & economic system that seems to prioritize a race for the bottom in costs (maximizing profits) has consequences. That's pure capitalism, baby, and "Its Very Good" (according to mainstream press.)

Don't feel bad. That's common. The tribal sayings I've seen from several different people's all have a similar saying about the parents being the last ones to see the gift of their own child. Let's hear it for grandpeople, uncles and aunties.

Been done. Early 90's or so at Sun Microsystems. They deglazed the office windows of Andy Becholsheim's office, moved his Porsche Carrerra in without crushing the plants outside the windows, suspended a tank above it and put a 3 foot white tip in the tank (and the windows were all reinstalled.) Homage to the

So here in America, the stupid people have better access to technology? That would explain it. Land of opportunity, and all that.

If it is a peak oil move, then the 8-10 tsp of sugar in 12 ozs which grown with 100% dependency on oil based machinery/fertilizers will have to change also, I suppose.

Reminds me of the book by Marc Stiegler "David's Sling" about taking off the shelf parts and creating info warfare bots that hunted down command and control signals to disrupt the enemy.

We had a piglet. Fed it raw goat milk for a month to get it going, then it ate restaurant scraps. Got out into the garden for about 10 minutes when it was 25 lbs. Trust me, the vegetarians round 'bout were ready to convert and take one for the team, at least for this one instance.

She may just have natural hitch in her git'along. Someone once told me that sometimes happens.